Saturday, October 19, 2019

Some Moral Minima, ethics and relativism Article

Some Moral Minima, ethics and relativism - Article Example ime in the history and the future of man is killing for the sake of killing, taking a person’s rights away for the sake of acquiring wealth, being untruthful and genocide which is mass killing is unacceptable. There are many more moral issues like terrorism, polygamy, murder, rape, incent and slavery discussed by Mosser.K (2010) in detail with regards to the cultural aspects. The specific principles related to each case he has dealt with was majorly based on Hindu and Buddhist scriptures, and many of the norms are withdrawn from the rich and cultural heritage of Indian society which has norms that are suitable on a universal level. Genocide deals with mass killing of people belonging to a certain culture and closely runs in parallel with terrorism. As Goodman (2010) states, â€Å"genocide is the ultimate essentializing of the exotic†¦reflected in this invented mask, it sees the image of the new man it hopes to create by the expulsion and destruction of the other† (p. 89). From the beginning of our human history genocidebeen practiced. It is sad to see that there are thousands of wars fought for no valid reason at all and there have been numerous killings in our past history based on extinction on a particular set of people. According to me genocide is a systematic way of getting rid of a particular section of the human society as their cultures differ from the rest and this act is cruel and immoral. It will never uplift the society and this practice is very degrading to the human nature. Goodman (2010) states that genocide the most violent outcome of cultural disputes (p. 89).Genocide according to me is the overall outcome of terrorists and this mass scale man slaughter is very ugly. All individuals are equivalent no matter their sex, nationality or creed and they all have to right to live their life time. Every human should treat others as he will expect the other to treat him, human kindness and equal rights makes the world a better place to live in a

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