Saturday, August 31, 2019

Analysis and Evaluation of the Attractiveness of the Uk Market

The Apple TV: Analysis and evaluation of the attractiveness of the current UK market Executive Summary This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the three levels of the marketing environment for Apple TV and studies the attractiveness of the current UK market. It will consider the future success or not of the apple TV in the UK and from this analysis recommend the modifications and improvement apple should do.Most of the information in the report is based on market reports such as Keynote, Websites, Newspapers and finally the â€Å"Marketing an Introduction† (8th Edition) textbook (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker, Ross Brenan; 2007) and the lecture slides provided by Michael Harker. The principal theories which were significant in the redaction of this report were the SWOT analysis and the PEST analysis. Results of data analyzed show that: †¢ Apple has a strong brand image and international popularity and makes large investment in research and devel opment. The television industry is radically changing with the appearance of a new type of television service, the internet television. †¢Apple TV has numerous and strong competitors. †¢Because of the strong position of its suppliers Apple suffers from the pricing pressure. †¢The Apple TV's price is too expensive. †¢The number of formats supported by the Apple TV is too limited. In conclusion we can recommend Apple to lower the price and increase the number of formats supported by the Apple TV. Apple should fabricate itself some of the Apple TV's components to be out of the pressure provided by its suppliers.Apple should also differentiate itself by increasing the number of Application downloadable for the apple TV and creating a special Touch screen working with the Apple TV. The reliability of this report is partially limited because it is concentrated on the study of the micro and macro environment. It is essentially based on secondary resources and some infor mation provided by non official and official website can be not impartial or not up to date. Furthermore Apple refuses to give too much information about the Apple TV and its finance. CONTENTS: Presentation page (p1) I)Executive Summary (p2) II)Contents (p3) II) Introduction (p4)III) Analysis and Interpretations (p4) 1) Micro-Environment (p4) A- The company (p4) B-The suppliers (p5) C-Marketing intermediaries (p5) D- Competitors (p5/6) D-Consumers (p6) 2) Internal Environment (p6) A-Employees (p6/7) B-Finance (p7) 3) Macro-Environment (p7) A-Political and economic (p7) B-Social (p7/8) C-Technologic (p8) D-Environmental (p8) E-Legal (p9) IV) Conclusion (p9) V) Recommendations (p10) VI) Bibliography (p10/11/12/13) VII) Appendix (p13) Introduction Created in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Apple Company is an American informatics multinational corporation which is headquartered in Cupertino, Silicon Valley.Best known for its skills in computers, Apple has diversified in recent years by venturing i nto the music industry and the mobile phone. Always attracted by new opportunities, Apple touches today with its Apple TV a market that it has never explored: the television. But is this new technology a good business idea and does this product have a chance to succeed in a country such as the UK? To answer this question and to give some advice and recommendation about the Apple TV this report will study its three environment level in the UK market.Every section provides an abstract rate which gives an approximate idea of the Attractiveness of the current UK market. Analysis & Interpretation I)The microenvironment First, this report will analyze the microenvironment which consists of â€Å"the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve the customer†. (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker and Ross Brenan; 2007, p) The company †¢These recent years Apple has managed to establish itself well in the world market. The company did not stop growing dur ing the last 10 years and became more and more efficient and competitive. Moreover, because of its exponential growth, opportunities are opening up to the organization such as the massive reinvestment in research and development. (Wikinvest, 2010) †¢Apple uses an effective advertising strategy and has a website easy to use, attractive, and informative. †¢Apple has an international popularity and a strong brand name which continue to increase the company in the world market. Rating: 8. 5/10 Suppliers †¢Apple requires each of its suppliers to meet the highest standards for all goods and services. Apple business environment is competitive and fast-paced.That is why their suppliers must understand this dynamic and be agile and flexible in responding to changing business conditions. (Apple,2010) †¢The most expensive components of the Apple TV are the processor A4 Apple designed and manufactured by Samsung (16. 55 dollar), the 8 GB flash memory products by Toshiba (14 dollar) and the chip supports from Broadcom Communications Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (about 7. 65 dollars). This doesn’t take into account the costs of research and development, product transport, logistics costs and even the marketing budget. cnet new, 2010) †¢With a net production cost of 64 dollars and a sale price of $ 99 U. S. , Apple's margin is not very important. We can also underline that Apple suppliers have a very strong position which can make Apple suffer of the pricing pressure. (macnn, 2010) Rating: 5/10 Marketing Intermediaries: †¢Apple Retail Stores: At the end of June of this year Apple had 293 retail stores open for business and during September Apple opened 24 new stores all around the world. In the UK there are 29 Apples stores. Besides during the month of June, store revenue increased 73% to $2. 78 billion and produced average store sales of $9 million. (postsateventide, 2010) †¢Others: Apple has also a large number of other retailers such as FN AC. †¢Apple has a large number of retailer which are efficient and provides the company an important revenue. Rating: 6/10 Competitor: †¢For this product, the search engine Google also launches into battle with its â€Å"Google TV†, designed by Japan's Sony and the U. S. Logitech. (BBC,2010) †¢Furthermore, in the United Kingdom the party may not be easy because of the success of TV offerings on the Internet, included in subscriptions providing triple play (broadband, TV, phone connection).ISPs Internet multiply the number of available channels and services: catch-up TV, VaD †¦ All at a competitive price yet (between 30 and 40 euros per month for the triple play). (oezratty, 2010) Companies such as SKY are well implanted in the market and don't stop growing and developing. (market report) †¢In addition Apple will have to deal with other products that already make the same type of services, such as game consoles lounge (Sony's PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 from Microsoft). (macgeneration, 2010) †¢ In the U. S. there are also cases very similar to the Apple TV, that start-up Vudu and Roku California, where boxing Box, D-Link. If they are a success they may extend to the rest of the world including the UK. (popsci, 2008) Rating: 3/10 Consumer: †¢Apple is marketing to people who have a few characteristics. Most of the time Middle/Upper income folks ages 12-35 who are willing to pay a bit more for a better user experience. Its consumers are people who enjoy technology and in this case especially people who like to conserve a lot of digital photos or video. The prime target seems to be an iTunes user who is already used to the Apple concept. But because of the Hi-Def nature of the Apple TV, only a small percentage of this target audience will really buy one. Rating: 3/10 II)The interne environment : Employees: Apple employees are trained to have very strong technical knowledge and to be very efficient in order to deliver a high standard of consumer service. Despite this, these recent years have seen the appearance of numerous scandals especially about its China factories' employees.Indeed stories about employees' suicide (BBC, 2010), employees' poisoning (Macobservers, 2010) and the presence of children of fifteen years old as employees (telegraph, 2010) has greatly tarnished the company's image. That is why Apple has seriously reviewed the maintenance of its factories in China to avoid further scandals (note a contract signed by the employees in whom they undertake not to commit suicide). Finance: †¢As Steve Jobs says, the analysis of their quarterly revenue makes us understand why â€Å"Apple is now a $50 billion company†: The Company posted revenue of $15. 68 billion and a net quarterly profit of $3. 8 billion. (Apple, 2010) †¢Apple has moved more than 250,000 units since the device went on sale. (MacWorld,2010) Rating: 5/10 III) The macro environment: This analyze will finally end with a study of he macro environment which consists of â€Å"the larger societal forces that affect the micro environment. † (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker and Ross Brenan; 2007, p) Political and economic †¢Analyzing the political aspect of its company we can see that Apple is a stable organization which is located in 31 countries. When it comes to the economy the company tries to adjust to the economic situation of their market. Today they have to face the crisis of 2009 which created unemployment and inflation, and has impoverished most of the population. †¢Unemployment in the UK now stands at 2. 45 million, following a fall of 9,000 in the three months to October but the inflation rate rose to 3. 2%. The UK is still very affected by the crisis. (BBC, 2010) Rating: 3/10 Social To study the sociocultural aspect of the macro environment Apple, many factors have to be taken into account †¢The population of the UK is ageing. Over the past 25 years, th e median age increased from 35 years in 1984 to 39 years in 2009.It is projected to continue to increase over the next 25 years rising to 42 by 2034. (statistics. gov,2010) †¢The culture aspect of the Apple TV environment is favorable to the success of this product because the today’s society wants always to have new technology that is more and more efficient and developed and most people will not be afraid to purchase a new technology. †¢Easy to use, their product seems perfectly adapted to this segment of the population which, while appreciating the new technology, is especially looking for product easy to use providing a simple and fun interface.Rating: 5/10 Technological †¢To improve the technology aspect of the macro environment, the company makes use of various technological innovations that help in increasing productivity and improving the quality of their products. †¢Indeed, the television industry is radically changing with the development of a ne w type of television service, the internet television. Users are now being delivered directly to TV sets in broadband-enabled households around the globe and are now offered with free-to-view television via their online ideo players, giving them more choice about how and when they watch (researchandmarkets, 2010). †¢After the failure of the product’s first edition presented in September 2006, Steve Jobs announced a second-generation version of the Apple TV in September 2010 which seemed to have many advantages compared to its predecessor. About a quarter of the size and one-third of the price of the original Apple TV, the new Apple TV dispenses with the PC/Mac link altogether, to provide a direct connection to the Web and a video download service is included. With its new product, Apple makes new improvements in online video. It puts at the disposal of users thousands and thousands of online video programs accessible via the iTunes store. The Apple TV is easy to use and prevents users from buffering, downloading, stuttering, or subscribing. (LOUDERBACK, 2008) †¢Moreover, unequal access to broadband means that viewing TV via Internet with a good level of image quality is only accessible part of the population. (Oezratty, 2010) Rating: 3/10 Environmental Because Apple knows that the ecological aspect of its production is very important to improve its image to its clients, the company uses Greenpeace as a way to recycle its polluting components (Greenpeace, 2007). Rating: 5/10 Legal And finally to switch with the law component of the macro environment Apple makes sure they comply with what the law states in the country and they respect the regulated standards of the country. In the UK Apple has to follow the EU anti-competitive laws: †¢Both UK and EU competition law prohibit agreements, arrangements and concerted business practices which prevent, restrict or distort competition. They prohibit businesses with significant market shares unfairl y exploiting their strong market positions. (out-law, 2010) Rating: 6/10 Conclusion Apple has an international popularity, a strong brand name and has considerably increased its fund in research and development. Thanks to this, most of their products have been a real success (IPod, IPhone †¦) But as Steve Jobs says the apple TV is still a hobby for the company which would like to succeed one day in the television industry, and today this product is still too weak to succeed in this market. First, the price (119? is too expensive at a time when the market has switched to the online rental. Then, most of the users will prefer to access directly to their music, films and photo with their computer using the Shortcuts to which they are used. Furthermore the Apple TV does nothing more than the box of an operator even if it is simpler with an interface that is clear and entertaining. Its possibilities are even less at some levels, since the formats supported are those dubbed by Apple: H. 624, MPEG-4, M-JPEG, AIFF, MP3, AAC, JPEG, GIF and TIFF (to mention only the main).This new market is highly competitive and Apple is not sufficiently differentiated to its competitors. Finally, the Apple's suppliers have a too important influence on the company. Final rate: 4/10 Recommendations Following the Marketing environment analysis and the conclusion some advices can be recommended to Apple. †¢Lower the price. †¢For broadband, Apple may just wait or target its bid on these target audiences that may already be well connected. †¢Apple may also overshadow all other competitors on the market by creating an application â€Å"Store TV† as the Iphone. Increase the number of format supported by the Apple TV including the divX. †¢Apple should fabricate for itself some of the Apple TV's component such as the GB flash memory. †¢Increase the number of Application downloadable for the apple TV including the Iphone's application †¢ Created a specia l Touch screen working with the Apple TV which could provide the user a manual photo or video retouching system. †¢Avoiding scandals such as the China's ones and being stricter about its foreign supplier conventions. References Book: Marketing an Introduction† (8th Edition) textbook (Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, Michael Harker, Ross Brenan; 2007) Websites: -(wikinvest, 2010) Research and Development excerpt taken from the AAPL 10-K filed Jan 25, 2010. http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Apple_(AAPL)/Research_Development -(Apple,2010) Apple and procurement, 2010 http://www. apple. com/procurement/ -(postsateventide, 2010) Apple and law of large numbers, Robert Paul Leitao, July 31, 2010 http://www. postsateventide. com/2010/07/apple-and-law-of-large-numbers. tml – (oezratty, 2010) Apple peut-il reussir dans la TV? 25 august 2010 http://www. oezratty. net/wordpress/2010/apple-peut-il-reussir-dans-la-tv/ – (macgeneration, 2010) L’Apple TV, console masque, Jean-Baptiste Giraud, October 2010 http://friendfeed. com/uberapple/47cd4a0d/lapple-tv-console-masquee-macgeneration -(Apple, 2010) Apple Reports First Quarter Results http://www. apple. com/pr/library/2010/01/25results. html -(statistics. gov,2010) Fastest increase in the ‘oldest old’, Office for National Statistics; General Register Office for Scotland http://www. statistics. ov. uk/cci/nugget. asp? id=949 -(researchandmarkets, 2010) Internet Television: 2010 to 2014 – Analyzing How the Internet will Change Television http://researchandmarkets. net/reportinfo. asp? report_id=1343728&t=d&cat_id= – (Greenpeace, 2007) Tasty news from Apple! http://www. greenpeace. org/international/en/news/features/tasty-apple-news-020507/ -(Out-law, 2010) Competition law – the basics, based on UK law, updated in April 2010. http://www. out-law. com/page-5811 Newspaper: -(BBC,2010) Google and Apple heat up battle for TV screens By Maggie Shiels http://www. bc. co. u k/news/technology-11521742 -(BBC, 2010) Apple boss defends conditions at iPhone factory http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/10212604 -(BBC, 2010) UK inflation rate in surprise October increase http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-11764588 -(cnet new, 2010) New Apple TV may cost less than $64 to build, October 5, 2010 http://www. macnn. com/articles/10/10/05/could. prove. more. profitable/. -(Telegraph, 2010) Apple admits using child labour, Malcolm Moore, 27 Feb 2010 http://www. telegraph. co. k/technology/apple/7330986/Apple-admits-using-child-labour. html -(MacWorld,2010) Apple sales top $20 billion in fiscal fourth quarter, Oct 18, 2010, Philip Michaels http://www. macworld. com/article/154967/2010/10/4q_earnings. html -(Macobservers, 2010) China Factory Workers Claim Poisoning from Apple Products October, 2010, Jeff Gamet http://www. macobserver. com/tmo/article/china_factory_workers_claim_poisoning_from_apple_products/ -(popsci, 2008) BATTLE OF THE INTERNET VIDEO BOXES: NETFLIX VS. A PPLE TV VS. VUDU, Sean Captain, 2008 http://www. popsci. om/gear-gadgets/article/2008-06/battle-internet-video-boxes-netflix-vs-apple-tv-vs-vudu -(macnn, 2010) New Apple TV may cost less than $64 to build, October 5, 2010 http://www. macnn. com/articles/10/10/05/could. prove. more. profitable/. Reports: -(LOUDERBACK, 2008) JIM LOUDERBACK, Apple TV's Extreme Makeover, PC Magazine 27 no7 58 Je 2008 http://www. keynote. co. uk/market-intelligence/view/product/1276/digital-tv/chapter/1/executive_summary -(market report) Digital TV Market Report, 2003 http://www. keynote. co. uk/market-intelligence/reports/category/new-media Graphs: -Appendix1: The microenvironment

Friday, August 30, 2019

Foreign Oil vs Domestic Oil

Foreign Petroleum Industry V. S. Domestic Petroleum Industry The Petroleum Industry is a very important industry for our ever-changing world. As we know it, right now, the world pretty much revolves around oil and gas exploration and extraction. Almost everything that the world produces uses oil or gas in one way or another. Right now, the Petroleum Industry is very big and prosperous in the Middle East (like in Pakistan and Iraq). Those areas are some of the world’s biggest oil and gas producers. They are making the â€Å"big bucks† by selling to us here in the United States.The oil and gas industry is booming in the Middle East. The United States is one of the biggest importers of oil and gas. We, as a nation, use an extremely large amount of oil and gas. When compared to the foreign Petroleum Industry, our domestic Petroleum Industry is really lacking. The United States has so much accessibility to oil and petroleum, but we are not extracting it from our surrounding bodies of water, such as the Gulf of Mexico. We have the potential to drill for our own petroleum so we will not have to purchase any oil or gas from foreign industries, but we are not drilling for some reason.Our Petroleum Industry could be a big contender in the world market, but since we are not drilling, we are not even a contender at all. The price of oil and gas is constantly rising. This does not look good for our economy since we are not drilling our own oil here in the United States. If we actually started to drill for oil and gas here in the United States, domestically, we would not have to worry about extremely high gas prices since we would be drilling it here. But since we have to buy from an international seller, we cannot name our own price for the oil and gas that we purchase from them.If we had domestic oil and gas exploration and extraction, we would have less trouble and drama with foreign countries. The less we deal with foreign countries that really do not like us, the better for us. The domestic Petroleum Industry, pretty much, does not exist since we do not have permission from the President to be drilling off the coast of the United States. Even with the drilling that we ARE doing already, it still does not add up to what we could possibly be drilling and using or selling. If we had permission to extract oil and gas from the ocean right off of the coast of the United States, our domesticPetroleum Industry could also be booming like the Middle East, but since we do not have any say in what we can and cannot do, it seems like the Middle East (at least until they run out of oil and gas) will always have a better Oil and Gas Exploration and Extraction Industry than us here in the United States of America. It is a shame to know this because we would not have to be spending as much of our own money and getting THAT much deeper into National Debt, if we could just drill off of our shores†¦ Sources http://www. oilandgasinternational. com/ www. ipaa. org

Black History Month Essay

Since 1976 Black History Month has been a remembrance of the events in the history of the African American movement. It is celebrated annually in the United States and Canada in the month of February, and the United Kingdom in the month of October. In the U.S., Black History Month is also referred to as African-American History Month. Black History Month actually started as Negro History Week in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson. The goal of Black History Week was to educate the American people about African-Americans’ cultural backgrounds and reputable achievements. Mr. Woodson believed that black history was a missing segment in the minds of most American Historians of his day. Black History Month has certainly played a key role in establishing African American history as a historically significant part of American History. You may be thinking to yourself, it is no longer a missing segment in the minds of most Americans, so therefore it is not relevant by today’s standards. Nothing could be further from the truth, than that uneducated line of thinking. African American history IS American History!! I cannot argue that over a number of years it has become a more commercialized month, giving the opportunity to advertise and sell, more companies have used it for monetary gain. However, so has Christmas and Thanksgiving and don’t get me started about Valentine’s Day†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..but there is still a reason we continue to celebrate these Holidays†¦.I believe it is because at they’re core they are still a part of American history and tradition. Now they may have started elsewhere, but we have made them a part of our culture, our American culture. Even with the creation of black Friday and the 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 30 straight days of Christmas music on a popular radio station†¦.we still know it is important to gather with family, tell our sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Christmases past, teach them about important people in our family history both living and deceased. It is important to educate our youth and give proper respect to the people (family members) that had they not done what they did, some of our families may not be here today. They sacrificed and paved the way for everyone to be together on these holidays. That sense of family, tradition and pride in being an American is what Black History month is all about. Americans whom just so happen to be of African descent. Americans who gave up many if not all of their holidays so that they’re children and grandchildren would not have to. Black History Month tells the continuing story of American history from the African American perspective. I’ll give you a couple of reasons why it is so relevant for today’s generation and future generations†¦. We all know the stories of many great African American contributors†¦ Fredrick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr. George Washington Carver etc†¦ but, what about all of the non-African Americans who directly contributed to the abolishment of slavery, the education of an entire generation of displaced people. Those that gave their lives in the name of humanity. Who will speak for those American heroes?Why are they not mentioned in the same breath as Araminta Ross better known as Harriett Tubman? You ask why is Black Histoy Month relevant. It is relevant because we have barely scratched the surface towards recognizing, learning, teaching and understanding the true meaning of this American tradition. I thought about naming some of the non-African American contributors for those gathered here today, but then it occurred to me (I don’t need to) part of my purpose was to plant a seed, contribute to intelligent dialogue. I stated I would give you a couple of reasons.. The second one is this†¦..In our classrooms we still teach Greek mythology, we teach about the Great Roman empires, We teach American Indian history, we teach about Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, Thomas Edison’s light bulb †¦ and many many more historically important people and inventions. Yet these groups of people and inventions are no longer with us in the same capacity as they once were. And some of their ideas and inventions seem like they could have been created by a child†¦ by today’s standards. We teach about them because they are all†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦in one way or another connected to the development of the same race†¦The HUMAN Race!!! When you fill out an application for employment, school or the census, you’re asked to check a box White, African American, Hispanic American, American Indian, Asian American, Pacific Islander (maybe a few others) and then there is a box marked OTHER†¦.. Even with the diversity America has, who checks that box? Anyone mixed with two or more races? Anyone whose family history starts at Ellis Island? What if I told you OTHER is the fastest growing population in the world? What if in 25 years OTHER is the dominating population? I tell you this because I want you to think 50, 100, or 500 years from now when the OTHERS are the dominant race, how will they know of the contributions of African Americans? How will they know of the contributions of Irish Americans? Polish Americans? Jewish Americans? Filipino Americans? Asian Americans? American Indians? They will know because hopefully they will still be celebrating Irish American month in March, Filipino American Month in October, Hispanic Heritage month from Sep 15 to Oct 15, Jewish American Month in May and African American Month in February†¦That is how they will know†¦ Because no matter what box you check†¦ no matter what race creed or color you descend from, the key desc riptor is that of being an American.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Study Analysis - Essay Example The sampling procedure was systematic. Participants were identified based on previous research and reflections. The sources were invited to participate after being informed about the nature of the study. The theme of the research was recognized as multidimensional. This is the reason why different sets of questionnaires were designed - all focusing on relevant and diverse aspects of the teaching experience in order to comprehensively describe and address the research problem. While there were no face-to-face interviews, observations or focus group discussion, a total of five questionnaire models were used to gather and evaluate experiences. These are the Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI), Negative Mood Regulation (NMR), COPE, Maslach Burnout Inventory Educators Survey, and Brief Symptoms Inventory. They were designed to measure variables in areas of stress, burnout, coping, negative mood and distress. While the study involved no open-ended question either, the survey questions provided were all designed to reveal highly detailed personal experiences and quantify them. For instance, respondents were asked to rate their responses to items such as Did you feel lonely?" or "Did you feel ke yed up". These questions were asked after situations were provided, which is consistent with the phenomenological technique of describing experiences, as a crucial element in data gathering and interpretation. The researchers established their research paradigm by introducing epistemological and axiological assumptions. This was achieved when assumptions about stress, burnout and coping strategies were provided. For example, teachers were specifically identified as the subject of the research because they were assumed to have more difficult work tasks and, hence, would be more prone to stress and burnout. This was also highlighted with the fact that the data was gathered from self-report questionnaires. What this

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Innovative lifestyle self-management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Innovative lifestyle self-management - Essay Example is considered unique, one’s lifestyle could be considered innovative insofar as it is unusual in comparison to one’s peers or colleagues in the social circle. In this regard, I can honestly say that I practice a straightforward lifestyle focused on achieving my personal goals. Currently, my ultimate goal is to finish my studies and to prepare myself for a future career. It is only innovative in terms of the application of my study habits while trying to comply with responsibilities as a child, a friend, a colleague, a citizen, and a productive member of society. I have a talent for prioritizing activities that need to be accomplished. College education is basically voluntary and more expensive where students learn how to manage their own time. Students are expected to take accountability and responsibility for their academic performance through prioritizing compliance to requirements. More importantly, I am never apprehensive to seek much needed support (physical, emotional, and mental) as required in diverse scenarios. Timidity, pride, financial considerations, cultural diversity barriers, among others usually get in the way of availing academic support. I acknowledge that there are more benefits that would be derived from seeking ways and means to ensue that I stay in school until graduation than to allow barriers and hindrances to get in the way. Most often, I seek the right advice, at the right time, at the right place. Self-management, on the other hand, is defined as the ability to â€Å"manage one’s own emotions and be resilient in a range of complex and demanding situations.† (NHS, 1) Self-management is classified as strategic when it is planned and calculated to achieve a well-defined purpose. Self-management is only feasible and effective when one is in control of personal emotions and behavior given a variety of circumstances. In this case, the strategic self-management is directed to get a targeted job. The only complicating matter is that the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Music Therapy for Pain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Music Therapy for Pain Management - Essay Example While practitioners report good results with it, most of the practice is based on empiric evidence. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to explore research to find out evidence that can support current practice or can change practice. To determine evidence, a literature search was undertaken on the available database with the key words "music", "therapy", "music therapy", "nursing practice", "pain management", "complementary therapy", "alternative therapy", and "palliative nursing." This resulted into 234 articles. These articles were further searched on key words "research articles." This narrowed down the number of articles to 34. Among these articles, a search was conducted with the key word "national guideline," and this revealed 0 articles. This indicated there exists no nursing practice guidelines on pain management with music therapy. Further search was conducted with the phrase "systemic review", and this resulted into 6 articles. One of these articles was chosen, and another 5 articles were chosen from the previous group. The inference from this search was that music therapy is practiced in contemporary palliative care nursing practice, but there is no national guideline for its use. However, the existence of many systemic reviews tells us about the evidence that can be used in practice. Article that Best Supports Nursing Interventions The article that best supports nursing interventions is "Music as an Intervention in Hospitals" by Evans (2001) on behalf of The Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidenced based Nursing and Midwifery. This is a systemic review of articles graded on the basis of level of evidence. The author sites evidence from literature that music has been used for all age groups in a wide variety of clinical care settings as adjuncts to conventional management. The care settings include intensive care, coronary care units, and even outpatient departments. From the evidence, it appears that it has been used universally across practice settings. In some cases, it has also been used a relaxation technique. The author presents findings from different articles and studies. Evidence suggests that music in the form of recorded music from a compact disc player was the therapeutic music of choice. The randomized controlled trials indicate that music has been used for reduction of anxiety, relaxation, reduction o f pain, improvement of cognitive function, buffering noise, increasing satisfaction, improvement of mood, increment of exercise tolerance, and improvement of tolerance of some procedures. Music has also been used to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and pain. The outcome measures for pain control were decrease in the severity of pain and decreased requirement of analgesics. For procedures, the decreased requirement of sedatives was evidenced by improvement in patient satisfaction, better tolerance of procedure, and notable elevation of mood. The researchers recorded symptomatic reduction of anxiety and corroborated these through physical examination, which indicated reduction in heart rate and respiratory rate. No subjective reduction of pain symptoms was noted, although the dose of analgesics required to produce a desired pain relief was less. Similarly, reduction of required dose of sedatives during unpleasant procedures was noted. This review did not find any evidence that music impr oved tolerance of the procedures, but it improved mood of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

No title Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

No title - Assignment Example Additionally, the negotiation of the best care for the patient might be extremely difficult in my community. A nurse working at home or community setting should have a master’s or doctoral degrees. Similarly, postmaster’s certificate in nursing from an accredited program is acceptable for a nurse to function in a community or home setting. In many states, the nurse must have a certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The nurses should have completed clinical work, as well as courses in pharmacology, health assessment, health promotion, disease diagnosis, and prevention (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2014). The nurses should have approximately two years’ post-qualifying experience. The nurses should possess expert knowledge, as well as clinical judgment in order to be certified to work in the community and home setting. Additionally, the nurses should have demonstrated unmatched dedication to the patient care. In effect, competence is a key element that informs certification of the nurses (2014). The nursing experience has prepared me adequately to function as a home health nurse or community health nurse. Notably, I have honed the skills of providing nursing care to patients through employing problem-solving approaches in accordance with guidelines and standards of holistic care delivery. Additionally, I have developed the capability to implement and facilitate patient, as well as a patient educational program that captures the needs of the communities. In essence, I am ready to work in the community and home setting as a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategic Tourism Planning and Development in London Essay

Strategic Tourism Planning and Development in London - Essay Example The objective is then to proceed to external focus that will solidify the promotion of the London by addressing natural and made-made environmental issues. Therefore, the main observations provide the aim to effectively describing current tourism issues that stalls the sustainability in development. Thus, the designed aspect provides an opportunity to creating a sufficient resolution towards the identified different sustainability protocols for successful private and public sectors endeavors (Dibbs, 2007,pp.107). Current trends in tourism present challenging in the pursuit for sustainability and profitability within the targeted industry. The tourism planning is vital to determining how a particular locale is performing within the private and public sectors aspect but also the environmental concerns. The most damaging issues arises out of balancing out the concerns relates to focuses on operation of tourism enterprises. The consideration in tourism operation management offers a strategy to identify and resolving certain issues that arises in a given season. The effort demonstrates the presentation of resources for maneuvering through the public and private markets. The community attitudinal studies relates to how the particular city challenges to managed resources can reduce significantly interests for tourism planning and development. The designed concept to promote the London as the designation for a tourist private and public sectors objectives will only be successful if stated issues are addressed. Therefore, the awareness level provides an open forum for the concerns of tourism environmental concerns are addressed accordingly to brainstorm suggestions. The tourism planning and development for the promotion of the London is dependable of mastering the economic and employment dependency.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Essay06 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Essay06 - Essay Example inty differ in that in risk, the outcome is unknown but the distribution of the outcome is not known however in uncertainty, both the outcome and the distribution of the outcome are not known (Samuelson and Stephen, 501). Probability of an outcome is the odds that the outcome will occur (Samuelson and Stephen, 501). The three types of probability discussed in the book are relative frequency, subjective probability, and theoretical probability. The difference in these methods in generating probability is that the theoretical probability assigns equal likelihood to all possible outcomes of an experiment, therefore, the chances of an event occurring is 1/n for each possible outcome. Relative frequency probability type gives the probability of an event through finding the ratio of the times the event occurs and the number of trials undertaken. Subjective probability determines the probability of an outcome â€Å"represents the decision maker’s degree o belief that the outcome will occur† (Samuelson and Stephen, 501). Statistical inference involves the use of statistical techniques for generating conclusions from a set amount of data through observation or sampling. Statistical inference using historical data involves the generation of conclusions from data that was collected a long time ago. Statistical bias using historical data creates bias in rapidly changing markets because of a change in the conditions of the market when the information was collected and the current market situation. The basis of the data collected could have changed and the current conditions reflect a difference; hence, the conclusions made reflect on the past and not the market situation currently as there are frequent changes in the market conditions resulting in statistical bias. The other reason for the bias in statistical inference of historical data is that statistical inference is affected by the random variation of the data over time and this variation results in the change of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fiscal Policy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fiscal Policy Paper - Essay Example The taxpayers are adversely affected by the increases in the tax imposition. Recently owing to the high fiscal deficit there has been increase in the various taxes on the employers, manufacturers, wage suppression on the employees and so on. There has been a problem of inter temporal budget and the huge deficits are actually burdening the current generation as well as the future generation. One of the analysts in New York Times stated that, â€Å"taxpayers will end up paying the costs of today’s deficits tomorrow† (Ackerman, 2004). But in this situation tax regime has to be tightened for bringing dynamic stability to the US economy and sacrifice has to be made now. Future Social Security and Medicare users Owing to the huge fiscal deficit, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act enacted by the current President Obama directs towards access of equality, affordable health care and transformation within the health care system necessary to contain costs. The budget o ffice of the congress determined that the act will allow coverage to more than around 94% of the Americans staying within a limit of $900 billion bending the health cost curve and reducing the deficit over the next decade. The social security administration forecasts that by the next four decades from now on the trust fund of social security will be utilized in either borrowing, increasing revenue or that of diminishing profits (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2012). University of Phoenix student With the American fiscal deficit reaching lowest levels recently hit the for -profit University of Phoenix with higher costs and tremendously declining overall enrollment. As a coping strategy the University has planned to close down around 115 locations affecting the careers of around 13000 students. The University currently has about 328,000 students declined from a peak of more than 400,000. The closure of the branches will leave around 112 locations in 36 states of Unite d States, the District of Columbia as well as Puerto Rico. Although the President of the University has assured that the affected students will be shifted to online courses but it will leave a sense of moral degradation among the students for sure (Veiga, 2012). The United State’s financial reputation on an international level The trade deficit of United States of America has widened in the month of August 2012 with exports falling to the lowest levels in the last six months indicating a sign of worry indicating that the global economy has reduced the demand for the US goods. The chamber of commerce declared that the deficit increased to a level of $44.2 billion in August which is biggest gap since May. In the global front the American made cars as well as farm goods have declined. The imports reduced but with a slight 0.1 percent to $225.5 billion as purchases of foreign-made autos, aircraft and heavy machinery fell. The cost of oil also fell significantly. A significant gro wth in the trade deficit imparts a negative vibe as it signifies that the US is earning less on an overseas scale with respect to its domestic products. The manufacturers of US have been also hampered by slumping economies in countries like Europe, China and other key export markets which accounts for at least one-fifth of U.S. exports. The economic growth also declined to an annual rate of only 1.3% in the quarter of April-June (Crutsinger, 2012). Unemployed individuals Unemployment is a serious problem which requires particular attention.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Live Consultancy Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Live Consultancy - Personal Statement Example It would be a best practice if I put in my experience and its impact on my personal characteristics under the following heads : -> Planning: Planning is the primary activity to be done for every step in your life. A plan and an effective implementation on it would bear results. As a team, we had been very satisfactory in realizing the goals and aims and describing the strategies to achieve this. But on the personal level I had a tough time, as I could not prioritize my work on the basis of its importance, I had to face difficulties. I have to bring in much efficiency in building a plan, and then defining various steps in implementing the defined plan and achieving the goals in a set of time. This would be my primary area of focus now. A plan would definitely help me in getting effective results. -> Organizing: The best part of the project had been the organizing. The way everything was organized was highly appreciable. Our mentor had assigned each of us the task required to be done. There have been vary rare instances where I felt few gaps, the main reason behind this being miscommunication which led to misunderstandings. Thus I feel the only thing required would be developing good rapport among the team members. -> Managing the Task: The outcome was to personally gain confidence, when faced with being a member of a group. Every one of us were assigned different task, the appreciation I had received on the completion of any activity made me feel happy and I was compelled to out perform others in the team. ... But on the personal level I had a tough time, as I could not prioritize my work on the basis of its importance, I had to face difficulties. I have to bring in much efficiency in building a plan, and then defining various steps in implementing the defined plan and achieving the goals in a set of time. This would be my primary area of focus now. An effective plan would definitely help me in getting effective results. -> Organizing: The best part of the project had been the organizing. The way everything was organized was highly appreciable. Our mentor had assigned each of us the task required to be done. There have been vary rare instances where I felt few gaps, the main reason behind this being mis-communications which led to mis-understandings. Thus I feel the only thing required would be developing good rapport among the team members. -> Managing the Task: The outcome was to personally gain confidence, when faced with being a member of a group. Every one of us were assigned different task, the appreciation I had received on the completion of any activity made me feel very happy and I was compelled to out perform others in the team. I felt competitive skills developing in me to a large extent. -> Group Discussions: Group discussions had been another best experience for me. The group discussions which we had every now and then helped me lot in assessing my completed activities and also at the same time it helped me in viewing two sides of any situation. As time was the basic constraint, we could not have many group discussions, but I feel if we had more group discussions the outcome would have been more effective. -> Knowledge skills: I have learnt through contributing not only did I became more relaxed, I was able to

Gilded Age Essay Example for Free

Gilded Age Essay The era following the civil war, the gilded age, modernized the nation with new technological advances. Women’s social status improved with the up and coming government policies and intolerance of Native Americans became more prominent due to westward expansion. Segregation laws oppress African Americans and violate their rights as American citizens. Women gained suffrage in the gilded age which significantly improved their social status. Previously, women were viewed as inferior to men and incapable of having the same responsibilities. The cause of women’s suffrage was carried by middle class women and was launched in 1848 at Seneca Falls. Many women believed a major cause of poverty for immigration and working-class families was the excessive drinking by male factory workers. Women successfully advocated for total abstinence from alcohol. Many women had leisure time as a housewife, so they got more involved in politics and social issues. Middle class women did most of the shopping for their families so they became the prominent consumers. Women likely had a part time job but they were vulnerable to low-paid and insecure work without benefits. They were also discriminated against when being hired because they were more likely to take leave for childcare or maternity leave. The mobilization of the American economy sprouted from the rise of technology in the gilded age through the development of railroads, homesteads, and farming techniques. This expansion on the Great Plains increased intolerance towards the Native Americans, which soon resulted in removal of most Indian tribes. At first, they attempted a truce through the treaty of Fort Laramie, where the government and representatives of the tribes discussed the terms of westbound settlers. The tribes would receive annuity in return for their cooperation. However, the government failed to compensate the tribes properly and violated the treaty. Trains were pulled by horses prior to the invention of steam locomotives, so the railroads running west became known as â€Å"The Iron Horse† by Native Americans. Many oppressive acts such as the Homestead Act and the Dawes Severalty Act displayed intolerance of the Native Americans. The Battle of the Little Bighorn/ Custer’s Last Stand was a result of Indian intolerance. Another social group that was deeply impacted by the gilded age was the African Americans, who were affected by Jim Crow laws. The old south was unwilling to accept the new technology and there was an emerging grey area between states laws and rights versus the federal government. The southern sharecropping system was economically backing the Jim Crow laws. State black codes restricted the freedom of African Americans, and compelled them to work for lower wages. The purpose of these oppressive laws were to preserve the system of white supremacy. Civil rights acts were introduced with hopes of equality for African Americans but they were ruled unconstitutional. Segregation laws enforced a â€Å"separate but equal† status for African Americans. In conclusion, the gilded age transformed the country and impacted many social groups of American society. Women gained the right to vote and more social status while the Native Americans were oppressed harsher than ever. Jim crow laws restricted African Americans by segregating the country. The technological advances during the gilded age provided a more modern society and influenced changing government policies. These advances also allowed for a boosted economy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Investigation Of Police Corruption

The Investigation Of Police Corruption One cannot separate police corruption from police abuse of force. Whenever an officer uses force, that officer needs to be able to justify the use of force. Law enforcement ethics go far beyond an officer choice to accept a cup of coffee, or a free car wash. The fact remains that whenever an officer lowers the ethical, and morals standards it affects every area of police operations and adversely affects the ability of law enforcement agencies to perform the mission that the community has entrusted them to do. When police misuse their power, and authority it lowers the departments professional competence; and at worse it spreads corruption through the department. Tract: The job of a law enforcement officer can be tough. Law enforcement officer are sometimes plagued with situation that test their ability to enforce the law and maintain order. Law enforcement officers today face a constant battle to establish and maintain higher ethical standards for police personnel. This mission becomes tougher each day when one considers the importance of fighting terrorism, drugs, human trafficking, and many other major issues. In the last few years, ethical issues in law enforcement have been affected by three critical factors-the growing level of temptation stemming from the illicit drug trade, the challenges posed by decentralization, and the potentially compromising nature of the police organizational culture. These factors make managing for ethics today far more different and demanding than it was in the past. How can law enforcement fight the war on crime and maintain personal liberties? One can examine the social stigmas and stereotypes that either further or reduce police corruption to help develop a better understanding of police corruption. Finally what is the solution to effectively control police corruption, enforce proper ethics, and ensure law and order? Terrorism is a new issue for law enforcement personnel today. Terrorism has had a great impact on the police mission here in the United States. Experts now are debating the proper way to address terrorism in America without creating ethical dilemmas. Can federal law enforcement hold all suspected terrorist within the United States in jail until they are cleared? Not legally. Would it be ethically okay to arrested terrorist, and allow them to be tried within the United States without legal counsel? No. Can the federal Government issue wire tapes on citizens phones without creditable evidence. No. What is the correct way to handle the issues on terrorism? The Police Executive Research Forum has outlined key ways to handle the war on terrorism. First, in order to prevent terrorist acts on U.S. soil the public must understand that Federal Law enforcement cannot do it alone. State, and Local law enforcement along with the general public must work together to gather intelligence on suspect ed terrorist. Local Law enforcement can use the community policing method to establish citizen engagement, partnership, trust, information sharing, and collaborative problem solving. With a relationship developed with the community, police can better identify potential suspects, and become proactive in the war on terrorism. Law enforcement can ethically address the war on terrorism. The problem is that social stigmas can play a key role in either furthering police corruption or reducing it. Social stigmas impact the way police perform because police sometimes use social stigmas to be proactive rather than being reactive to crime. For example, an officer may approach a young man walking around a suburban community with his hat turned to one side, and his pants below his knees. The office may see the social stigma of a thug, someone who is considered to be up to no good. When police use social stigmas in this way, the community will view it as good police work. However the use of social stigmas can also bring on police corruption. Some officer may violate human rights, with racial profiling, or just mistreating someone because of their outer characteristic. For example, whenever an officer sees someone with big rims and loud music he assumes they sell drugs. So the officer pulls the young man over and treats him like he is a criminal. First the officer ask for identification, then removes the young man from the car and performs an illegal search of the car and finds drugs . Now the officer will be forced to falsify reports, which is a form of police corruption. Social stigmas are no better than stereotypes; one person may fit the stereotype or social stigma, but one should never conclude that a stereotype or social stigma applies to everyone. When officer begin to apply a social stigma to everyone, they can easily fall into police corruption. With that being said, citizens should not apply social stigmas to all police officer. One can conclude that some police officers are involved in police corruption but not all. The ethical issues seen in police corruption can also be seen in police abuse of force. One cannot separate police corruption from police abuse of force. Whenever an officer uses force, that officer needs to be able to justify the use of force. Law enforcement ethics go far beyond an officer choice to accept a cup of coffee, or a free car wash. The fact remains that whenever an officer lowers the ethical, and morals standards it affects every area of police operations and adversely affects the ability of law enforcement agencies to perform the mission that the community has entrusted them to do. When police misuse their power, and authority it lowers the departments professional competence; and at worse it spreads corruption through the department. Although only a few officers may be involved in an act or corruption or abuse of force; the community will perceive all members of that department as incompetent, corrupt, or brutal. It is important to know that a few incidents of corrupt or brutal police behavior can overshadow or even negate years of efficient and honest po lice service, and cause long-term damage to an agencys reputation. Illegal and unethical acts by police officers, create community increased antagonism toward what appears to be an unappreciative or even hostile public, less citizen cooperation, more friction in police-citizen interactions, more invitations to corruption, and more confrontations that may lead to the use of excessive force. It is a classic vicious cycle, with worsening community relations, an increase in hostility between police and citizenry, and a concomitant growth of public contempt for the police all generating a downward spiral that far too often ends in tragedy. Many ethical factors that are behind police corruption can be found in police abuse of powers, and excessive force. Police corruption is sometimes motivated by an officers desires for money, respect, and power. Likewise, the use of excessive force can be used to ensure and officer receives money, maintains power, and respect from the community. Many officers who are involved in corrupt activities will often use force to maintain and protect their corrupt activities from reaching the public or media. In addition to that, officers who are under a lot of stress can fall into corruption, and are more likely to use excessive force. When police use excessive force, or fall into police corruptions it only hinders the overall mission or law enforcement. The only way to prevent corruption and police abuse is to train officer in ethical standards to strengthen the foundation of police ethics. To strengthen ethical standards officers need to be trained in the correct ways to change moral standards of contemporary society. The world today has lowered the moral and ethical standards of citizens, and police alike. The lack of moral standards, has allowed the community, and law enforcement to take justice in their own hands. Secondly, police need to know and respect the organizational expectations of the police. Society has certain perceptions, images, and expectations of the police. Some of the expectations that the community have of police may not be accurate or realistic. Misinformed or conflicting perceptions of the proper role of the police and conflicting expectations about what is or should be expected from the police often contribute to an environment of confusing built on mixed or even conflicting goals and objectives. As a result , the working environment of police, their morals, and their susceptibility to corruption and brutality are closely watched by the public and the media. With this in mind, police can better handle situation that propose ethical dilemmas. For example, officer now know that the community expects police to be corrupt, and to abuse their powers, so if a officer does the complete opposite, he or she can help raise the standard, and avoid some of those ethical factors that are behind police corruption, and police abuse of powers, and excessive force . Formal training programs can help to ensure that officers understand their departments code of ethics and related expectations Elevate the importance of ethics throughout an agency Underscore top managements support, and Provide specific assistance in areas directly related to ethical behavior (e.g., stress management, use of force, violence reduction, and behavioral science classes). Although more study is need- ed in this area, some empirical evidence supports the contention that formal ethics training fosters improved ethical behavior. One recent study found that officers specifically trained in anger management had fewer incidents of excessive force in making arrests. A distinct but related topic is whether higher education promotes ethical behavior. Clearly, advanced formal education enhances the maturity and professionalism of police officers. The question is whether those positive attributes spill over into the ethical arena.Some research suggests a positive relationship. Adva nced formal education appears to reinforce previously established ethical values in individuals. At the organizational level, one study identified a commitment to learning as one of the three most prominent characteristics common to highly ethical organizations. In conclusion, police corruption anywhere, hurts police everywhere. Police are held to a higher standard by the citizens, and the media. Police officers need to be aware of the social stigmas working against them. Law enforcement Officer need to be trained, and educated on how to hand ethical situation. If the law enforcement community seeks to change the image of police in American they must first become aware the ethical problems and avoid them. Secondly, Police with the help of education one maybe able to avoid the use of excessive force, and corruption. Lastly, law enforcement must correct, their attitude toward those who may fit a certain social stigma. Resource Page

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Differences Between E Commerce And E Business Information Technology Essay

Differences Between E Commerce And E Business Information Technology Essay Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage. The use of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transactions lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. A large percentage of electronic commerce is conducted entirely electronically for virtual items such as access to premium content on a website, but most electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way. Online retailers are sometimes known as e-tailers and online retail is sometimes known as e-tail. Almost all big retailers have electronic commerce presence on the World Wide Web. Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses is referred to as business-to-business or B2B. B2B can be open to all interested parties (e.g. commodity exchange) or limited to specific, pre-qualified participants (private electronic market). Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the other hand, is referred to as business-to-consumer or B2C. This is the type of electronic commerce conducted by companies such as Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce where the buyer is directly online to the sellers computer usually via the internet. There is no intermediary service. The sale and purchase transaction is completed electronically and interactively in real-time such as for new books. If an intermediary is present, then the sale and purchase transaction is called electronic commerce such as Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of the business transactions. TechEncyclopedia Electronic-commerce means selling products online via the Web. Also called e-business, e-tailing and I-commerce. Although in most cases e-commerce and e-business are synonymous, e-commerce implies that goods can be purchased online, whereas e-business might be used as an umbrella term for a total presence on the Web, which would include the e-commerce shopping component. E-commerce may also refer to electronic data interchange (EDI), in which one companys computer queries the inventory and transmits purchase orders to another companys computer. Investopedia Financial Dictionary Electronic Commerce à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ ecommerce is a type of business model, or segment of a larger business model, that enables a firm or individual  to conduct business over an electronic network, typically the internet. Electronic commerce operates in all four of the major market segments: business to business, business to consumer, consumer to consumer and consumer to business. Also sometimes written as e-commerce or eCommerce. Columbia Encyclopedia E-commerce conducted over the Internet, most often via the World Wide Web. E-commerce can apply to purchases made through the Web or to business-to-business activities such as inventory transfers. A customer can order items from a vendors Web site, paying with a credit card (the customer enters account information via the computer) or with a previously established cybercash account. The transaction information is transmitted (usually by modem) to a financial institution for payment clearance and to the vendor for order fulfillment. Personal and account information is kept confidential through the use of secured transactions that use encryption technology Impact of e-commerce Studies in the developed economies have shown that e-commerce will eventually have a far-reaching effect on the world economy because it will revolutionize the way businesses and consumers conduct their business transactions. Some have argued that e-commerce will deepen disintermediation process as producers can sell direct to consumers. For example, Christensen and Tedlow published in Harvard Business Review (January-February 2000) suggest that e-commerce will change the structure of retailing in the US in favour of fewer number of traditional intermediaries. The wide-spread impact of e-commerce is due to lower transaction costs. Using the transaction costs theory, studies have shown that e-commerce will reduce transaction costs of firms and hence final product prices. According to the transaction costs theory, price of a product has three elements: production costs, coordination costs, and profit margin. As firms find better ways to coordinate their activities through electronic channels, their transaction costs will fall. As the industry better manages real time information based on e-commerce, firms can also improve their inventory management and thus reduce inventory costs. Reduced transaction costs benefit both consumer and producer. While consumers will gain access to a broad-based selection of lower priced goods, producers are likely to see higher demand for their products. Furthermore, in the Internet age, people and firms will be connected with highly capable interactive capacity. Through the information highway, consumers will have free market choices, and firms will have almost unrestricted market access. This offers opportunities as well as poses threats to businesses. The impact of e-commerce can be traced at the industry and consumer levels. It can also be traced at the macroeconomy level. It is however important to note that the full impact of e-commerce on an economy depends on several factors such as the rate at which the economy (i.e. firms and the population) adopts e-commerce. This in turn is determined by other factors such as the cost of computers and software, computer and telephone penetration rates, security, manpower, and telecommunication infrastructure. At the industry level, e-commerce will result in some rationalization of activities. Firms will need to undertake investment in an appropriate computer system to implement e-commerce. They will undertake new activities which are knowledge-intensive. Through the adoption of e-commerce, firms will demand for a new kind of workforce, particularly those with a higher level of computer literacy. This new demand will have an immediate and far-reaching implication on the provision of training in the country. Firms will be pre-occupied with technology selection and investment. This task is quite demanding, particularly when the telecommunications and computer technologies are changing at a rapid pace. To keep up with modern technologies, firms cannot ignore continuous investment in human resource. E-commerce will further shorten product cycles of the industry. Through e-commerce, firms will have fast knowledge of what customers want. Firms can use this knowledge to guide the development of their product lines and to identify new growth areas at their earlier stages. With customer information in hand, firms can promote both up-selling and cross-selling. It is expected that e-commerce will also help small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMIs) to gain greater market reach for their products and services. In fact, e-commerce can be an efficient and economical way for many SMIs to enter an export market. E-commerce offers consumers a wide range of new opportunities to do direct shopping and banking using the convenience of a home computer or other communication devices. Consumers will also benefit in terms of lower final prices due to lower transaction costs as described above. Looking ahead, e-commerce will lead to some fundamental changes in the way firms relate to consumers and the way firms compete with each other. This is because, through e-commerce consumers will have a wider and direct access to producers of goods and services without intermediaries. With a wider choice of products and services offered to them, they can cast their preferences by describing what they want. In this environment, e-commerce will hasten the shift of market power of consumers, from a product taker to a product maker. As a result, this process will lead to greater competition among firms to protect their market share. For the economy as a whole, e-commerce will result in higher investment by the Government, firms and consumers. Coupled with higher investment in IT, e-commerce will result in higher efficiency and productivity of the economy. In this light, e-commerce will contribute to higher total factor productivity of the Malaysian economy which is needed to sustain economic growth in the long term. E-commerce will create new activities and a variety of new industries which utilize IT. This will lead to the creation of new job opportunities. The increased investment mentioned above and the emergence of new IT-based industries will lead to a higher level of economic activity to support economic expansion and growth. Following the reduction in the transaction costs, e-commerce will also improve the level of efficiency and productivity in the economy. Industries will re-organize their activities to conform with the emergence of a new industrial structure of the country. Definitions and differences of e-commerce and e-business E-commerce describes the process of buying, selling, transferring or exchanging products, services or information via computer networks, including the Internet. E-business is somewhat broader concept. In addition to the buying and selling of goods and services, e-business also refers to servicing customers, collaborating with business partners and performing electronic transactions within an organization. In my opinion, the differences between two of them are not obvious. E-commerce refers to all transactions of business that being made through Internet. It involved money transaction between organizations and customers in a buying and selling process using the Internet. Meanwhile, e-business refers to all of type of businesses entity such as company, enterprise and others which are doing business using the Internet. Business entity use the Internet and other electronic network in all of their operations and daily processes involved. E-business becoming e-commerce when a transaction happens between two organizations. There is no e-commerce without e-business and e-business need e-commerce to survive. Issues, problems and threats in e-commerce and e-business In e-commerce, it is difficult to apply law that usually done in physical world. Many cyber crimes made cannot be justified in court because of lacking the law itself, geographical factors that separate different countries with different laws, and others. People are free to do whatever they like in the Internet including pornography and drugs selling without even caught or sued just because the physical law cannot be applied in Internet. Besides that, there are many frauds that we can find in e-commerce. Sometimes the company is not even exist but still it offer something to sell and people realized after a transaction was made, the product is still do not reach to them. Some business offer product that cost you price that unacceptable high compare to others even if the quality and features are same. Frauds can happen in many ways especially when it involving cyber product. In Internet, there is too much information that hard for us to filter and absorb. An information overload is one of the problems that e-commerce face nowadays. People find it difficult when it has too many websites that offer same product even they have right to choose but it also take time to filter all the related websites. In addition, certain areas do not have Internet coverage so e-commerce cannot reach the people in there. This happen due to certain geographical factors like people live in the mountains, desert, rural areas and others. They must go to nearest city to get Internet coverage and this is difficult to done if it will cost them effort, time and money to do that. Threats in e-commerce must be tackled seriously because in Internet, people can do anything without having fear to be caught or sued. Such threats like human trafficking, drugs selling firearms smuggle, child pornography and others are serious crime in physical world. Yet there are happening and still growing due to Internet usage in e-commerce and this is why we cannot let it done freely without observation and law practice on the threats. Opportunities, advantages and benefits in e-commerce and e-business The importance of both is to catch up with globalization that require IT as medium to doing business as the world has no border anymore with the Internet application. People nowadays are connecting with each other around the world easier than decades ago with Internet and other electronic networks. The world has no boundaries anymore and it offer very much opportunities to businesses around the world to develop. The benefits that we can get is we can have as many customer as we can if we are the organization that doing business using Internet. People all around the world are using Internet as their new medium of shopping and searching for something new. Companies took advantages on it and try hard to sell their products and services although there are companies that fail to achieve their target on e-commerce. Besides that, consumers now have bigger power to choose products. They can easily online and choose their favourite products from different companies which usually undone in physical world. We usually find it difficult to choose from one product to another or from one company to another, but Internet make it simpler and easier for customers so they donà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t even go to shop by shop to buy what they like. They just click. The advantage of e-commerce and e-business to organization is we can make the transactions easier between customers and our organization by simply clicking the computer and do it online. We can also buy certain product that is difficult to find in certain area such as Kashmir fabrics in East Asia or a product that doesnà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t offered in physical world such as e-book. In addition, the transactions done become faster and require no attendance to the outlet itself by customers. People who using Internet to shop realize that it become useful to them as the Internet is free, and you can shop at anytime, anywhere and at any situation, The opportunity of both is we can spread our business and market worldwide to increase profit and maximum the knowledge of customers about our company/ organization/ business. Many ordinary people or small business makes huge profit in e-commerce such as the founder of New medium of marketing is created and organizations all around the world are taking advantages in e-commerce and e-business. Whether they set up a new business or upgrading the existing one, they are all realize that this is the time to grab big opportunity to gain high profit including customer satisfaction.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Islam Essay -- essays research papers

Visiting a mosque for the first time for any non-Muslim can be quite a daunting and intimidating experience if one doesn’t know exactly what to expect. A mosque is the place of prayer for Muslims within the Islamic faith. It is a house of prayer, one very much like that of churches and cathedrals for Christians, Synagogues for Jews, and temples for Hindus and Buddhists, but with its own distinct rules, rituals, and services. Mosques are not only the center of religious prayer amongst Muslims, but rather also serve as the center of any Muslim community and society in the area. Muslims, however, don’t always have to pray in mosques, other than Friday, the Muslim holy day of the week, much like Sunday in Christianity. The reason why Friday is the holy day of the week for Muslims is because the Prophet Muhammad was born on a Friday. The Prophet Mohammed taught that prayers are obligatory at least five times a day, and subsequently, can be held anywhere as long as it is sin cere to Allah. The word â€Å"Islam,† in Arabic, means â€Å"submission to the will of Allah.† The Islamic Mosque, and or Masjid, as it is referred to in Arabic, is a place where Muslims bow before Allah declaring their obedience to His will. The history of the Islamic Mosque dates back to the time of the Prophet. Mosques usually contain a place for washing and cleansing oneself before prayer. This cleansing in Arabic is referred to as â€Å"Wudu,† a physical and spiritual purification of oneself before submitting themselves to Allah in prayer. I took a trip to a local nearby mosque in Miami two weeks ago with a Muslim friend of mine on Friday. His name was Ali, and he is a Pakistani-American. The mosque was called â€Å"Masjid AL Noor,† and is located in downtown Miami. It was a Sunni–Islamic mosque. Sunni Muslims comprise the worldwide majority of Muslim adherents, as opposed to Shi’ite Muslims, whom comprise the minority of Muslim adherents. However, the Sunni/Shi’ite schism within Islam is for the most part more political, rather than that of religious. My friend, whom I came with to the Sunni-Islamic mosque was actually a mainstream Shi’ite Muslim. He usually goes to this particular mosque because its closer to where he lives. According to him, a mosque is a mosque, and Muslims, all Muslims, are brothers in faith, regardless of sect. Friday prayers, also known as â€Å"Salat e Juma† in the Quran, is mandatory fo... ... keep up with their prayers, give alms (charity), pay their dues (zakat), the essence of modesty, as well as the frequent recitation of the Quran. The imam recited â€Å"ayahs,† which are passages from the Quran, and then gave an English translations of it. The mosque was comprised of a very diversified crowd of all backgrounds and ethnicities. One saw some Middle Eastern people, many Indians and other South Asians, people from the Far Pacific and Oriental looking, African Americans, as well as some Anglo Saxons. It felt like a tightly knit diversified community. My experience at the mosque was that of one of an extraordinary one. I didn’t feel like an outsider, nor uncomfortable at all, but rather, on the contrary, I felt quite welcomed. I find the Islamic religion very fascinating and unique. I am always keen and open to learning about new ideas, belief systems, and faiths. One acquires a greater understanding and perspective of others in how they think, and how they view the world and this life. Overall, I think that this was a rather rewarding experience because it broadened my horizons on the Islamic faith as a whole, something, which I had very little knowledge about prior to.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Welfare to Work: A New Response to Poverty Essay -- Exploratory Essays

Professor's Comments: This student has done an outstanding job of fulfilling the requirements of the assignment in his analysis of the Welfare to Work Program. Abstract: This study defines poverty, explains its causes and consequences on various systems, and traces our governmental response to this problem from the New Deal efforts to the present system of welfare. Drawing from recent literature to examine specifically the efficacy of TANF’s welfare to work (WtW) initiative, this writer focuses on the following: (1) on the target population, single mothers and children, and (2) on how this initiative is affecting both this group and the overall problem of poverty. Also included are a discussion of the historical and contemporary issues regarding this initiative as well as implications for social work policy and practice. Â   Â   Welfare to Work under TANF: A New Generation of Responses to Poverty Existing in all cultures and affecting people from many walks of life, especially single mothers and children, poverty does not discriminate. What is poverty, then? Is it simply a condition, or does it create conditions that reach far beyond a simple social issue? In order to understand these questions, one must begin with basic definitions. Poverty is technically broken into two categories – absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty exists when a family cannot provide for its basic needs – which include nutrition, clothing, and shelter. A measurement for this category is the poverty line, a calculation that is based on three times the amount of a family’s normal food budget. On the other hand, relative poverty measures economic status and compares it between families within the same geographical locus (Ka... ...y Longman, Inc. Egendorf, L. K. (1999). Poverty: Opposing viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. Evaluating Welfare Reform (1999, June 1). Retrieved from Karger, H. J. & Stoesz, D. (1998). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (3rd ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Reichert, D. (1998, July). TANF appropriations in state legislatures. National Conference of State Legislatures. Retrieved from Segal, E. & Brzuzy, S. (1998). Social welfare policy, programs, and practice. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peackock Publishers, Inc. Trattner, W. (1999). From poor law to welfare state: A history of social welfare in America (6th ed.). New York: The Free Press. Vallianatos, C. (2001, October). Child support, cohabitating families studied. NASW News, 46(9), 12.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethical Issues Reflection Essay

Organizations today are faced with many issues. A major challenge is dealing with and determining a code of ethics. Ethics involves the study of moral issues and choices (Kinicki, 2009). Many organizations today are faced with unethical behavior that occurs throughout the company. Ethical and unethical conduct is the product of a complex combination of influences (Kinicki, 2009). They stem from the individual who has their own personality and values out to the internal organizational influences such as: organizational culture, ethical codes, and organizational size and also the external organizational influences which are: political/legal, national culture, and environment. The underlying question is â€Å"Why are ethical issues a major concern for an organization?† Ethical issues can cause an organization legal problem. For example the legal issues that News Corp board member Lachian Murdoch is facing, as stated in the Wall Street Journal this week. He is charged with allegations that he was involved in an attempt by the company’s Australian unit to offer favorable coverage in return for political support in the late 1990s (Critchlow, 2011). Murdoch denies any wrong doing and stated he was never involved in lobbying. He stepped down as News Corp’s deputy chief operating officer in 2005, by remained at the company only as a nonexecutive director and a voting stakeholder (Critchlow, 2011). Research shows that illegal and unethical issues happen for several reasons. For example (1) large firms are more likely to commit illegal acts than small firms; (2) although the probability of such wrongdoing increases when resources are scarce, it is greatest when resources are plentiful; (3) illegal behavior is prevalent in fairly stable environments but is more probable in dynamic environments; (4) membership in certain industries and a history of repeated wrongdoing are also associated with illegal acts; and, (5) the type of illegal activity chosen may vary according to the particular combination of environmental and internal conditions under which a firm is operating (Sims, 1992). Other reasons ethical issues are a major concern for organizations is that  it can lead to a potential loss of profit. Experts estimated that U.S. companies lose about $600 billion a year from unethical and criminal behavior (Kinicki, 2009). In order for a business to be considered successful there profit margin has to stay up. On the other hand it has also been shown that a commitment to ethics can be potentially profitable for an organization. Evidence has suggested that profitability is enhanced by a company being honest and having corporate citizenship (Kinicki, 2009). Managers should always be prepared to encourage and focus on improving on-the-job ethics. The number one way they can do this is by behaving in an ethical manner themselves. Managers are role models whose habits and actual behavior send signals about the importance of ethics (Kinicki, 2009). Secondly it is important to develop a meaningful code of ethics. The code of ethics should be given to every employee, and supported by upper management. Also it is a good incentive to offer rewards for compliance and reprimand for noncompliance. Third it would be a great idea to provide each employee with ethics training. Employees can be properly trained to identify and deal with ethical issues through seminars, video, and internet training sessions (Kinicki, 2009). Finally managers should reinforce ethical behavior. For example when you use repetition when teaching children they tend to repeat what they are taught. Therefore if managers reinforce ethical behavior it will become a constant in t he organization. A successful ethics and compliance program improves employee engagement, heightens profitability, and diminishes risk for any company. Whether your organization has an existing compliance program or needs to build one from the bottom up, it is always the right time to make ethics and compliance training a foundation of your business. References Critchlow, Andrew;Murdoch Son Denies Lobbying Lawmaker 2011 Kinicki, A & Kreither, R. (2009). Organizational Behavior:Key Concepts, Skills, Best Practices.(Ashford 4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Sims, R.R. (1992). The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations.Journal of Business Ethics.

A Critique of “Who Needs College?” Essay

Meaghan O’Hare Professor Haytham Mahfoud LIBS-3003-02 September 22, 2013 A Critique of â€Å"Who Needs College?† In her essay â€Å"Who Needs College?† Linda Lee addresses the issue of whether or not a college education is necessary in order to have a successful life. Lee believes that too much importance is placed on going away to school and getting a degree when it is very possible to find a job and learn valuable life lessons without it. While many would strongly oppose her position on this topic, it has been proven time and time again by numerous individuals that a bright future is well within reach without having to obtain a degree. Going to college is considered to be one of the most important parts of a person’s adult life. Lee focuses on this unnecessary pedestal that the college experience is put on. Kids treat it as an excuse to party and do not place the same level of importance on it as their parents do. Lee had this realization with her own son when she thought about how she was â€Å"paying $1,000 a week for this pleasure cruise† (52). This lead her to pull her son out of school until he was ready to go back and be serious or find a job to occupy his time more efficiently. Her son went on to have many different jobs. They were not the most glamorous, but taught him independence and how to be responsible with his own money. Lee argues that this life path got her son to a fulfilling place where he was enjoying what he was doing and had found a good job where a promotion was in his near future (2). This end result is typically why students go through college in the first place. Throughout the essay, Lee uses multiple statistics in order to back up her position. This is useful because it helps the reader understand that the point being made is a valid one. Lee goes on to make references to people ranging from her hair colorist all the way to Bill Gates to prove that a degree is not necessary to go places in life (52). It is helpful that she also has the advantage of being able to say her son benefited from this way of living. This broadens the audience immensely because the varying age  groups can relate to the different examples and statistics used throughout. Lee makes a very refreshing point and is correct when asking the question of why so many people feel it is necessary to go to college. It is always assumed that after graduating high school, college is the only acceptable step a young person should be taking. These are very high expectations that put a lot of pressure on the ones who might not be ready yet. It is much more practical to focus on what you are passionate about first and then going back to school instead of the other way around. Lee states that â€Å"†¦most kids today view college as a way to get a good job† (52). This only sets graduates up for disaster when they go out into the real world and find out that they cannot find a job as easily as they thought they would. Making it seem like getting a degree is the only way to get places in life is entirely the wrong impression to be giving. Furthermore, while the notion of bypassing a college education is unheard of for most people, it is very possible to be successful without one. Lee thoroughly believes that going to college should not have to be expected from everyone. Referencing the experience she went through with her own son and how he left school opened her eyes and lead her to ask the title question of â€Å"Who Needs College?† Earning a degree may be essential for those who wish to pursue a career in medicine or law, but is not always helpful to those who do not have similar goals. Multiple statistics are used throughout in order to validate this. Lee opens the door for many who might not have thought skipping out on college at first or altogether was an option. It is more then possible to learn the same important lessons and find a good career and now, thanks to Lee, awareness can be raised. Works Cited Lee, Linda. â€Å"Who Needs College?† Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines. 4th ed. Ed. Katherine Anne Ackley, Boston: Wadsworth/ Gengage Learning, 2005. 51-52. Print.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Define each of the five business organizations?

The limited liability partnership is a company wherein two or more persons undertake to contribute to a common fund money or property and divide the profits among themselves. There is at least one limited partner and one general partner. A business may also be run by means of franchising which allows a business organization to transfer the rights and privileges of the business to another for a consideration. Such consideration is called franchise fee.In case of joint venture, it is a business organization between two corporations where the participants deviate from traditional matters on corporate management in terms of voting, control and selection of employees, and arbitration proceedings. In case of license, the government will act upon any business application filed by a business organization or an individual and provide such license to enter into business endeavors. Lastly, for sole proprietorship, an individual chose to run the business on his own and without any help from othe r persons.Week 2 Discussion Question 2 What legal and ethical issues must a business consider when deciding whether or not to do business globally? The ethical issues that a business organization must consider when deciding whether or not to do business globally are integrity of business endeavors, setting mission and vision properly and as well as propriety of core values. Doing business globally includes the adaptation of the culture, values, customs and economic conditions in other countries.Hence, the business organization must see to it that the core values of the company are universal and ethical in nature. On the other hand, the legal issues that should be considered is about laws involved in having business outside the country and as well as treaties involved in the same. The laws of other countries will affect the success of the business done globally. Lastly, the issues on taxation must also be considered by the business organization doing business outside the country.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Panel Speech

When you bring up the subject of drug testing recipients on welfare there are a variety of stands and opinions that people have on this matter. People who are providing their opinions come from many different cultures and important positions that may affect how they feel about this subject. My objective is to explore these different stands to give everybody a better understanding of where our peers may be coming from. The idea is not for me to take a stand but represent each stand there is in a neutral form. Should recipients of welfare be drug tested? Is it constitutional or unconstitutional?Lawrence Mead, Professor of Politics and Public Policy at New York University says yes, but the drug testing should only be required of recipients with a history of substance abuse. This is a viewpoint of somebody that agrees generally with both sides of the issue. We can also look at the viewpoint of a person who entirely agrees with welfare recipients being drug tested such as Ohio State senat or Tim Schaffer who was quoted saying in the Toledo Blade newspaper that â€Å"the drug epidemic is tearing families apart and if taxpayer dollars are fueling it then we’ve got to bring it to a stop. But someone with an opposing view might say that we can’t assume that welfare recipients are using drugs at a higher rate than the general population because if the focus were really about addressing substance abuse it would be more realistic to go about it with a more treatment and screening approach. We can also look at some of the views of people who are entirely opposed to the idea of drug testing welfare recipients.In 1999 Michigan ran a pilot program to drug test welfare recipients and was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union claiming that constitutional rights were violated because testing was done without â€Å"individualized suspicion. † Many other state such as Florida, Virginia, Ohio have all attempted to pass these bills but to no avail because al ready two months into this state legislative session and not a single bill has been passed. Many states according to the American Civil Liberties Union feel that this approach is far too expensive and not saving enough money in the end for the bill too be passed.The overall opposing view is that drug testing welfare recipients targets them and invades their privacy without any proof that this action is necessary. As of today March 13th, 2013 according to the Seattle Post Intelligencer, Michigan lawmakers are still considering passing this bill. References: Giammarise, K. (2012, December 16) Drug tests for welfare recipients weighed. The Toledo Blade. Retrieved from http://www. toledoblade. com/State/2012/12/16/Drug-tests-for-welfare-recipients-weighed-Multicounty-effort-proposed-for-Ohio. html Bloom, R. (2012, March 12) Drug-testing welfare recipients: a trend with no traction.American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved from http://www. aclu. org/blog/criminal-law-reform-racial-justic e/drug-testing-welfare-recipients-trend-no-traction The Debate Club. (2013) Should welfare recipients be tested for drugs? U. S. News. Retrieved from http://www. usnews. com/debate-club/should-welfare-recipients-be-tested-for-drugs The Seattle Post Intelligencer. (2013, March 13) Bill requires drug tests for welfare recipients. The Seattle Post Intelligencer. Retrieved from http://www. seattlepi. com/news/article/Bill-requires-drug-tests-for-welfare-recipients-4350335. php

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Gen Chem Study Guide

A. WORK-OUT PROBLEMS: Write formulas for the following: calcium nitratephosphorous pentafluoride aluminum carbonatestrontium hydroxide methanepotassium oxide lithium chloridebarium sulfate phosphate iondinitrogen tetroxide Give the complete electron configurations of: S, O2-, and Mn. For the following molecules/ions, give the Lewis structure, molecular geometry, and electron pair geometry: NO2-SF4 Write Lewis structures to represent all resonance forms of CO32-. 5. How many joules of heat energy are lost when a 100-gram sample of a metal (with a specific heat of 0. 312 J/(g?C) cools from 80. 0? C to 30. 0? C? Calculate the number of moles in: 4. 20 X 1024 molecules of SO2 240 grams of NaOH 5. 00 liters of H2 gas at 0? C and 1. 00 atm. 1. 7 liters of Ar gas at STP 7. How many grams of AlCl3 can be prepared from 50. 0 g of Al and 100. 0 g of Cl2 according to the equation: 2 Al + 3 Cl2 ? 2 AlCl3 ? How many neutrons are there in 131I? Which bond is the most polar? I-ClI-Br I-SI-I Circle the molecules that are polar (have a dipole moment): CCl4CH4H2ONH3HBrCHCl3 CCl2F2 How many unpaired electrons does the Si atom have?Write the correct Lewis structure for CS2. Write the formal charges on each atom in [F-S=F]2+ (lone pairs are not shown). How many ions are formed when Ca3(PO4)2 dissolves? How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are there in 19F- ion? Discuss the properties of molecules used as liquid crystals. (ignore this question) What is the molarity of the solution made when 1. 25 grams of sodium chloride are dissolved in 500 mL of water? What is the hybridization of the carbon atom C2H2 ? What is the molecular formula of a compound with 30. 5% N and 69. 5% S, and it has a molar mass of 184 g/mol?How many electrons are found at the sublevel 1=2? How many sigma and how many pi bonds does carbon dioxide have? How many milliliters of 2. 5M solution are needed to prepare 500 mL of 0. 08M solution? How many milliliters of 1. 25M hydrochloric acid are needed to neutra lize 50. 0 millimeters of 0. 55M barium hydroxide? The vapor pressure of SiCl4 is 100 mmHg at 5. 4? C and the normal boiling point is 56. 8? C. What is ? Hvap for SiCl4 in kJ/mol? B. MULTIPLE CHOICE A 34. 6 g sample of calcium oxide is a. 0. 0346 molb. 0. 617 molc. 1. 23 mold. 34. 6 mol 2.When the following equation is balanced, the total number of nitrogen atoms on the reactant side is:BaCl2(aq) + AgNO3(aq) ? Ba(NO3)2(aq) + AgCl(s) a. 2b. 3c. 4d. 6 Given that 4 HNO3(aq)? 4NO2(aq) + 2 H2O(l) + O2(g), the amount of NO2 which could be produced from 3. 00 mol HNO3 is: a. 138 gb. 177 gc. 184 g d. 236 g Given that 3 CuCl2(aq) + 2 Al(s) ? 3 Cu(s) + 2 AlCl3(aq), the amount of Al required to produce 42. 4 g of Cu is: a. 12. 0 gb. 28. 3g c. 40. 5 gd. 42. 4 g The type of substance least likely to appear as a product in a net ionic equation is a soluble saltc. weak electrolyte an insoluble saltd. an insoluble gas When a solution of NiBr2 is mixed with a solution of (NH4)2CO3 the net ionic equa tion is: a. NiBr2(aq) + (NH4)2CO3(aq) ? NiCO3(s) + 2 NH4Br(aq) b. Ni2+ (aq) + 2Br- (aq) ? 2 NH4+ (aq) + CO32- (aq)? NiCO3(s) + 2 NH4+ (aq) + 2 Br- (aq) c. Ni2+ (aq) + CO32-(aq) ? NiCO3(s) d. Br-(aq) + NH4+ (aq) ? NH4Br(aq) When a sample of chlorine gas at 35? C doubles in volume, its pressure stays the samec. is half as great doubles d. increases fourfold A 385-mL sample of oxygen gas collected at 747 mm Hg and 27. 4?C would occupy what volume at STP? a. 344 mLb. 356 mLc. 416 mLd. 431 mL A 9. 74 g sample of CO2 will occupy 6. 37 L at 0. 829 atm only if the temperature is a. 17. 6? Cb. 6. 61? Cc. 564? C d. above 100? C A sample of N2 would obey the ideal gas law most closely at 0. 68 atm and –68? Cc. 680 atm and –68? C 0. 68 atm and 680? Cd. 680 atm and 680? C A 50. 0 g sample of an unknown substance absorbed 1. 64 kJ as its temperature changed from 36? C to 98? C. The specific heat of the unknown is: a. 0. 53 J/(g? C)b. 0. 76 kJ/(g? C)c. 1. 3 kJ/(g? C)d. 1. 9 kJ/(g?C) The formation reaction in this list is a. Sn(s) + 2Cl2(g) ? SnCl4(l)c. 2C2H5OH(l) + 7O2(g) ? 4CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) b. 2HNO2(l) + NO(g) ? 3NO2(g) + H2O(l) d. 2Cl2O(g)? 2Cl2(g) + O2(g) For CH4(g) + 4Cl2(g) ? CCl4(g) + 4HCl(g), ? H? =-402 kJ. How much HCl was formed when 201 kJ were given off? a. 18. 2 gb. 72. 9 gc. 146 gd. 292 g Use the thermochemical equations below to calculate the enthalpy of reaction for NOCl(g) + Cl(g) ? NO(g) + Cl2(g) N2(g) + O2(g) + Cl2(g) ? 2NOCl(g)? H? =105. 2 kJ N2(g) + O2(g) ? 2NO(g)? H? =180. 7 kJ Cl2(g) ? 2Cl(g)?H? =243. 2 kJ a. 529. 1 kJb. 264. 6 kJc. -83. 85 kJd. –167. 7 kJ The energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation is directly proportional to its a. speed in a vacuum c. frequency b. wavelength d. diffraction The volume in space where an electron with a particular energy is likely to be found is called a wave functionc. the spin quantum number a photond. an orbital The frequency of a microwave with a wavelength of 12. 2 cm is a. 8. 08 x 10-3 3 Hzc. 2. 46 x 107 Hz b. 3. 66 x 109 Hzd. 2. 46 x 109 Hz The number of orbitals in the 4p subshell is a. 1b. 3c. 5d. 18The energy difference between the two energy levels responsible for the 451 nm blue-violet line the emission of indium is a. 6. 65 x 105 Jc. 2. 27 x 1018 J b. 1. 50 x 105 Jd. 4. 40 x 10-19 J The maximum number of electrons contained in a 3d subshell is a. 2b. 6c. 10d. 18 The number of valence electrons shown in the Lewis formula for SF4 is a. 40b. 34c. 32d. 5 The formal charge on O in the compound H2O2 (in the order HOOH) is a. 0b. –2c. –1d. –3 The resonance structures for SO2 include each of these except a. O=S-Ob. O-S=Oc. O=S=Od. S-O=O The O-S-O bond angle in SO2 is closest to a. 0? b. 109. 5? c. 120? d. 180? Of the following substances, the least polar bonds are those found in a. H2b. H2Oc. H2Sd. CH4 Matter is said to be transparent to those wavelengths it a. absorbs b. diffractsc. cyclesd. transmits In formaldehyde (H2CO) the electron pairs are located about the central atom in which type of arrangement? a. pyramidal b. tetrahedralc. trigonal planard. bent The molecular geometry of SO3 is best described as a. linearb. trigonal planarc. tetrahedrald. bent The molecular geometry of CO32- is best described as a. linearb. trigonal planerc. tetrahedrald. bentOf the following, which has a molecular geometry that is not planar? a. CH4b. H2COc. C2H4d. SO3 When a solution of sodium chloride and a solution of lithium nitrate are mixed a precipitate forms a new salt is formed a gas is evolved no reaction occurs When solutions of barium chloride and sodium sulfate are mixed, the spectator ions in the resulting reaction are a. only Ba2+b. only SO42-c. Only Na+d. both Na+ and Cl- Which of the following ionic compounds is insoluble in water? a. NH4Clb. AgNO3c. KId. Na2S Given that Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) ? 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g), when 45. 3 g of CO reacts quantitatively with 79. g of Fe2O3, the amount of Fe formed is a. 45. 3 gb. 55. 8 gc. 60. 2 gd. 79. 8 g For the above reaction, when 45. 3 g of CO reacts quantitatively with 79. 8 g of Fe2O3, the amount of leftover reactant is a. 34. 5 gb. 24. 0 gc. 17. 8 gd. 3. 2 g 36. The oxidation numbers of P, S and Cl in H2PO2-, H2S and KClO4 are, respectively a) -1, -1, +3 b) +1, -2, +7 c) +1, +2, +7 d) -1, -2, +7 e) -1, -2, +3 37. Identify the oxidizing agent in the following redox reaction. Hg2+(aq) + Cu(s) > Cu2+(aq) + Hg(l) a) Hg2+(aq) b) Cu(s) c) Cu2+(aq) d) Hg(l) e) Hg2+(aq) and Cu2+(aq)