Wednesday, October 30, 2019

McDonald's Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

McDonald's Marketing Plan - Essay Example The researcher states that political factors are usually beyond the control of the organization. A business needs to prepare for the changes that might occur and take the necessary action required to remedy the situation. For example, some parts of the Middle East are unstable and McDonald being from Britain should be careful of what they say since it could hurt their business. Economic factors can affect the performance of the business. For example, the recent economic recession that led to the closure of multiple businesses and the laying off countless personnel. McDonald should put measures in place to shield itself from any future problems that might occur. Social factors can relate to the cultures, values, and beliefs of the society. It consists of the population’s demographics, which include size, gender, ethnicity, and education. It helps McDonald target their business services and products. McDonald Company embodies a broad spectrum of services, so it allows useful inf ormation to them. Developments in the technology world can affect business performance in both negative and positive ways. For example, the internet and consumer behaviors have changed towards the internet; this has negatively affected McDonald because there has been as a decrease in sales in their book section. It is because e-commerce has taken business away. However, the launch of online shopping has enabled McDonald`s to expand rapidly since all their products in one place, and it has become easy to navigate. It will be beneficial to McDonald`s because people in Europe love to shop, and a one-stop shop will be a crowd puller.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fruit of Divorce Essay Example for Free

Fruit of Divorce Essay The increasing number of divorce and separation issues among families has sprouted an immense change in the behavior of children, specifically on negative characteristics that has in a way or another spurred debates and deliberations both in the state and in the country. Studies show that changes in marriage, divorce and fertility have led to distinction in family structures—overt interparental conflict, poor parenting and economic hardship—these however, are found to be conjointly predicting the behavior of preadolescent and early adolescent youth. The identification of specific factors that place youth at risk for behavioral and emotional problems has concerned social scientists for years. As a matter of fact, several literary social scientists have commenced studies on determining the factors that may have led juvenile delinquents to their absurd conditions and in most cases, they incorporate psychological aide to prevent such results in the long run. Further, in an article written by Shannon E. Cavanagh and Aletha C. Huston, their study expressed the dilemma in which family instability sprouts and affects children (Cavanagh Huston, 2006). Findings from their study support the pattern of independent, additive effects of individual family stressors and variances that include other social factors that may have led to the behavior of a child. Even though their research only scaled quite a number of respondents, they were able to come up with a pattern, which they expressed to diagrams, on the level of sensitivity and behavior of children not only to their parents but including their teachers and relatives. In order to give weight on the study, the University of Texas at Austin authors paved a way in portraying the common grounds of family instability by relating the behavioral transitions to previously published related studies. Initially, the authors presented an array of ideas on the concept of an American Family while incorporating statistical details on perspectives that involved common family dilemmas or histories that constitute major stressors in a child’s life (Cavanagh Huston, 2006). In such way, they are able to set the evaluative factors of their study hence not undermining the importance of reviewing related literature. The aim or the objectives of the study were thoroughly defined—describe the histories of family instability during the preschool years for children born into different family structures; examine how family instability from birth through early childhood affect childrens problem behavior during the transition into formal education; and explore how the developmental significance of family instability is exacerbated or reduced by initial family structure as well as the material, social and emotional resources of the home, in order to identify circumstances in which children are most and least vulnerable to family instability. Further, their sampling procedure, with National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (NICHD SECCYD) as sample in the comprehensive longitudinal study gave concise results. With 120 child behaviors and 34 items of problem conducts, each teacher has been asked to describe the child for the past two months scaling each behavior with 3 choices in accordance to frequency. Taken as a whole, offspring whose mothers had stumpy typical levels and waning levels of maternal compassion towards their nursery years patented further problem manners in the classroom, as any person could apparently anticipate. In essence, the primary rationale of SECCYD was to identify the implication of progression of early child care, on the other hand, the extensiveness and profundity of data collected branched valuable resources for studying the development of youth overall.In the light, the study still has limitations which I believe still needs to be addressed in a more meticulous and comprehensive study or research. Reference Cavanagh, S. E. , Huston, A. C. (2006). Family Instability and Childrens Early Problem Behavior. Social Forces, 85(1), 551-581.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Emerson :: essays research papers

Emerson emphasizes over and over again that in order to gain ones own independence, one must first abandon all learned things and seek to accumulate thereafter only the knowledge which one attains firsthand and deems pertinent to be assimilated into ones own truth. "Nothing is at last sacred, but the integrity of your own mind" states Emerson, because "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself" (Emerson 203). Emerson ultimately arrives at the conclusion that one must be self aware. He believes that one must come to recognize the power one has within and to utilize that power through self thought. â€Å"The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried† (Emerson). One must learn to give up all external knowledge and begin a quest for the knowledge one has within. One will never know his full potential until he attempts to think on his/her own self derived thoughts. David Gale, on the other hand, after finding himself in a harsh predicament turns to an internal quest as Emerson’s. A University of Texas professor of philosophy and capital punishment abolitionist, David Gale, finds himself on Death Row convicted of murder. Gale is a man who has tried hard to live by his principles but in a peculiar distorted twist of fate, finds himself on Death Row for rape and murder (Lim). Gale is accused of murdering his long time friend and co-activist. He was a self reliant man to begin with in some aspects because he was fighting for a cause which not favored in majority in favor of Gale. â€Å"It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect wetness the independence of solitude† (Oschman 41). He as Emerson states did not conform to society’s views but rather held on very firmly to his own. After the false charges of rape Gale lost his prestigious job as a professor at the university and was forced work in the post office. Although this may have been a blow to his pride, Gale remained consistent with his passion for his cause. Emerson states that one must realize that you deal with what you have good or bad, but one can make the world a good place even though all the evil in the world. Emerson :: essays research papers Emerson emphasizes over and over again that in order to gain ones own independence, one must first abandon all learned things and seek to accumulate thereafter only the knowledge which one attains firsthand and deems pertinent to be assimilated into ones own truth. "Nothing is at last sacred, but the integrity of your own mind" states Emerson, because "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself" (Emerson 203). Emerson ultimately arrives at the conclusion that one must be self aware. He believes that one must come to recognize the power one has within and to utilize that power through self thought. â€Å"The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried† (Emerson). One must learn to give up all external knowledge and begin a quest for the knowledge one has within. One will never know his full potential until he attempts to think on his/her own self derived thoughts. David Gale, on the other hand, after finding himself in a harsh predicament turns to an internal quest as Emerson’s. A University of Texas professor of philosophy and capital punishment abolitionist, David Gale, finds himself on Death Row convicted of murder. Gale is a man who has tried hard to live by his principles but in a peculiar distorted twist of fate, finds himself on Death Row for rape and murder (Lim). Gale is accused of murdering his long time friend and co-activist. He was a self reliant man to begin with in some aspects because he was fighting for a cause which not favored in majority in favor of Gale. â€Å"It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect wetness the independence of solitude† (Oschman 41). He as Emerson states did not conform to society’s views but rather held on very firmly to his own. After the false charges of rape Gale lost his prestigious job as a professor at the university and was forced work in the post office. Although this may have been a blow to his pride, Gale remained consistent with his passion for his cause. Emerson states that one must realize that you deal with what you have good or bad, but one can make the world a good place even though all the evil in the world.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

An American Family Essay

Critics predicted that â€Å"[b]y the end of the mid-century, the American family will no longer exist as we know it†Ã¢â‚¬â€a line that holds true on the current situation of the country. The image of an American family is as fluid as fashion. This connotation is evident with the number of juvenile delinquents, divorce hearings and domestic violence cases that is reported each day. The advent of democracy and liberalism has perhaps triggered the immense transformation on viewing an American family. Globalization for one, takes the largest piece of this shift. The country’s unbolting wrap on the issue of foreign affairs has created a large impact on every American’s life. Diversity they say, has made the Americans mature. But what most do not realize is that the country has been divided by these ‘borrowed’ or ‘adopted’ ordeals. Similar to the American dream, an American family’s dignifying character has shifted to a somewhat aggressive and liberal type (Glick, 2006). Conceivably, this change can be charged to the saying that the world is in constant flux. However, republicans would resent the changes that has transcribed. Given the percentage of migrating individuals and the increase of Americans going abroad—it is most likely that other culture will blend in (or in the near future dominate) with what is inside the core of American virtues. Simple logic would explain this argument. To date, a laissez faire scenario is occurring. More and more changes are to occur if Americans will not pave a way to keep the tradition. It is a fact that every country has their respective culture, beliefs and tradition. And the endpoint of this matter would either be of the benefit of the alien or of the resident. Hence, the real picture on this squabble marks as to whether these changes have preserved the distinctive quality of an American family or otherwise. And in this case, there is a huge possibility that the picture will be dominated by the visiting forces. The shift is in fast pace—the critics may have predicted the future accurately. Reference Glick, P. C. (2006). The Family Life Cycle and Social ChangeThe Family Life Cycle and Social Change. Family Relations, 38(2).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Amazing World Of Laughter and its Super Healing Power

The most wonderful gift that I’ve ever known in my life and from this Book of The amazing world of laughter & its super healing power is the gift of laugh, one of the greatest blessings of the Lord. In my readings, this gift if so special, because it gives us all the opportunities to overcome our weaknesses. It’s like when we are so down and when we are being neglected, we must know how to conquer it. We should try laughing, time over time. I am sure that, when we laugh without reasons, even though we look like an addict, we will be amaze by our actions so please!Don’t care what the people say. Especially when we are in a self-pity mode, we must know ourselves to be better be aware of what is new and what is need to be learned, because the effort is for us to take initial steps. Granting ourselves with happiness is the greatest gift that we can give to ourselves, because even if we have many moneys but we are not happy all those treasures will be burn into ashes, so be practical. Be wise, turn-on yourself into a version 2. 0 or push yourself into the next level. Be vigilant, fight this deceases of being lonely.May this term paper be filled with so much laughter and a Remnant of humorous topics, I hope you enjoy and find it interesting. So be ready fuel up your engine, because you’re ready to face a new battle. Gear up with your shining armor as you fight this enemy, Learn how to cope the enemy of laughter which is the loneliness. Best of Laughter, Kim Jasty S. Yanong Exposition (Body of the Review) As I review the book of the amazing world of laughter and its super healing power, I was in so much joy and happiness that I was one of all the people in this world to know the true meaning of Laughter.It has so many benefits, so many. That when we laugh and laugh we can almost forgot our problems. I was enlightened by the paragraphs and sentences; it gives me so much perseverance. I conclude from this book that being happy and gay is one of the reasons why, is the humans are healthy. It is such a very wonderful book to read. It is so FUN! we readers can learn more, beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations. I can also compile new ideas, and can use it for a better understanding.This book teaches me how to bear pains and trials without complain, this is a pabular to my soul. It can lead me to a pacificatory life. May this book abound more readers to find pleasure and have a great knowledge, wisdom and more power. Reviewing this book is so accommodating, because, this is so acquiescent from what I had written in my insights. It also helps me to admire myself that I can do more, that I can accomplish my desired goals and the way and how to act like a futuristic person.Initializing this book, can make me a valuable person that I have a role why on earth I lived in this astonishing planet, because I have a purpose driven life. I solemnly believe that each person has a different talent that we can contribute, to each oth er and to our Heavenly Father. As what I have encountered I was boosted with so much blissfulness, and I can feel it in my nerves. The alignment of our muscles, that if you practice laughing 10 minutes a day, you can’t stress yourself.If I recite all the warm fuzzy happenings in my life that I can connect to this book, I can guarantee you that I am sure that many and a lot of situations of stories of my life that I can type in a thousand pages of paper. In order for me to achieve, what I am now that’s because the things that I have learned in my past and it make me smile. Just like the testimonies of truths about the amazing world of laughter and its super healing power, in this book, people who wrote their histories was being done with other people as well, showing that a person is entitled to credit or has a right to express their experiences.We can all manage our life, our belongings and our precious loved ones. It has a lot of emotions and so many meanings that the author was filled with so much joy, that’s why she wrote this book like this. She handled it with care, from making to loving it. As she go further to write more books, may our God bless her books and all the readers that will not just only read her books but will also put it into an action with so much pure dignity and resourcefulness. Pure passion is the beginning of all.Without passion you can’t assure that you can make a perfect book, with paragraph that full of meanings, letters and words that are justified in pure intentions. As I see, tender loving care comes from this book. It is all my opinion, so I like what I have done and express all I want to say about the Book and also about the Author. I have a secret to confess, I just don’t like it but I loved it so much. Someday, I want to write my own insights, based on what I will study, because I admire it and adore it. I really, really, really love it. That’s all, I thank you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

the civil rights movement black panther party essays

the civil rights movement black panther party essays Most of us, being United States citizens, would like to believe that everyone in this country is living in conditions of utmost freedom and equality. Although according to the constitution this is true, anyone who has ever been the victim of oppression knows not to take equality for granted. Our society has slowly grown to accept the different types of people that live in our country; it is now a lot less common to see peoples rights such as freedom and equality being abused. However, the influences of the past, when the living conditions were far less then equal for many groups of people, can still be witnessed today. A fine example of this could be seen through the way in which housing discrimination led to the colonization of Blacks into their own neighborhoods and communities, which eventually led to the creation of ghettos and gangs. Racism, in itself, is a belief that a person holds; it forces another being to be placed at a lower status within ones mind and in the society as a whole. Keeping Blacks and other minorities at a lower level was the principal state of mind for many of the whites during the early part of the twentieth century. This kind of mentality exists in our society till this day among certain groups of people. The cold and harsh manner with which the Blacks were treated takes us all the way back to slavery. Back in those days the majority of this countrys population accepted it. The oppressed African Americans eventually began to become more organized and started to fight for the civil rights they deserved as citizens of the United States. Despite the attempts of the Civil Rights Movement, much damage was already done; unfortunately many minds were already tarnished with negative images of what the Black person was and could ever be. In spite of the fact that many Black people were working tow ards moving up and making a life for themselves, racism continuously kept them from advancing in the ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Latino Religions †a Blend of Nationalist and Spiritual Meaning

Latino Religions – a Blend of Nationalist and Spiritual Meaning Free Online Research Papers When asked to define features that seem to be distinctive to Latino religious traditions, there is a list that comes to mind. Firstly, Latino religions have an interesting blend of nationalist and religious meaning applied to their practices and beliefs. For example, the Virgen de Guadalupe has been the symbol of Mexico since the War of Independence. Ever since being credited as an aide to the people in the war, the Virgen has been a strong figure for Mexicans. Eventually she became the official patron saint of Mexico and the Americas. However, at the same time she holds different meaning in a spiritual context. While her role as the patron saint of Mexico and the Americas is recognized by the Catholic Church, she also is believed to provide aide and protection beyond a strictly nationalist identity. The Virgen is also seen as a mother and protector responsible for miracles in daily life, in the home, within the community, or whenever separate from strictly Mexican identity. The veneration of saints such as the Virgen is also something inherently Latino. Saint veneration, most commonly expressed through votive devotion, is homage to God through the mediation of a saint. Latinos feel very strongly about this practice, both going to their place of worship to light candles and most often lighting them at home, too. In order to light these candles in the home, Latinos also generally have altars set up in their residences. These altars are extremely common and are very important to the Latino community. This tradition is mainly in response to the lack of incorporation of Latino aspects of Catholicism into the Anglo-Catholic system as these immigrant communities are growing. Yet another distinctive feature is the emphasis on the suffering and/or oppression aspects of each of their faiths. For example, Mexican-Catholics put great importance on the portrayal of the intense suffering of Jesus within the Passion narrative. By doing this, they are able to rationalize the seemingly unavoidable oppression and suffering experienced by Latino communities wherever they may be. This virtually unavoidable marginalization and persecution of Latino communities almost always leads to community bonding. With Latino communities growing closer together and becoming tighter knit, the already existing emphasis on religion being part of one’s ethnic identity is only magnified. To many, being Mexican simply means being Catholic. Evidence of this connection can be seen with the incorporation of indigenous history in services, celebrations, and traditions. Not only can Aztec dancers be found at many festivals, but many Latinos also visit botanicas, incorporating other traditions like Santeria into their spiritual experience outside of the church. Of course, Latinos also prefer bilingual or Spanish speaking leaders for their services, something some Latinos had the privileged of experiencing and many didn’t. But this ethnic identity goes even further geographically than the botanicas in their neighborhoods. The last and final of the bigger commonalities within Latino religious experience is that of a strong regional identity. Obviously, this comes from the already intense ethnic identity but it is taken a step further. The ethnicity is directly linked back to a home country and village that are reflected on the other side of the border. Latinos tend to create communities in America with the best attempts to reflect their original community from their homeland. By creating this physical region in a transplanted area, Latinos are able to continue to adhere to their strong regional identity and, furthermore, ethnic identity. Each community in the original fatherland was unique, with different patron saints and/or traditions, something that, if it could be transplanted, would help create a comfort zone during a very new and jarring experience upon entering America. Beyond this, many express and act upon the desire to return back to their homeland for spiritual or personal milestones, such as certain festivals or child confirmation. Some are even willing to risk not being able to make it back because they are illegal immigrants. Though all of these traits and traditions are agreed upon by many to be common within the Latino religious experience, it would be a gross generalization of the Latino community. Not only that, it would misrepresent other religious experiences by making each of these aspects seem uniquely Latino. The best way to approach finding out what makes a Latino religion Latino is less about finding a finite list such as this one and checking off each trait for each faith and labeling it Latino if it covers a majority of the traits and traditions. Rather, it would be better to take a quite opposite approach. Firstly, the definition of religion would have to be established and agreed upon before anything else begins. This could take up a whole other paper, so the discussion will, sadly, not be delved into here, but let’s just say the dictionary definition is not the final answer. Secondly, it would need to be decided if the qualifications for a Latino religion would have emphasis on the racial and genetically affected ethnic breakdown of the community. If so, then it’s a simple matter of gathering up statistics regarding demographics and interpreting it for a more mathematical and finite answer. However, I feel that this would probably be the worst cop out ever and would truly miss everything about the emotions and experience of the elusive definition of what a Latino religion is. The best approach, which would (just our luck) be the most difficult approach, would be to somehow observe and document each individual Latino community’s general experience starting with their homeland faith and going through the immigration experience all the way until the present day in their American community. A combination of extensive personal human experience and demographical data would have to be collected in order for this to be done as accurately as possible. The reason why I think this method is best is because I think the personal and spiritual experience of a Latino is the most important factor in their choice of religion. Not only that, but it would further directly influence how that religion would be shaped as far as traits and traditions that may change, be added or removed, or left the same. Using this approach, we aren’t limited to just studying the religion as it is upon the time of discovering that a Latino is biologically Latino. With this information, we are able to create a rough picture of pre-existing religions that changed or remained stoic, religions that merged to create hybrids, and religions that were (more or less) created from the history of Latino evolution. Granted, I also have to accept that there will be generalization to a certain extent since I can in no way find it realistic to even dream about documenting this for each and every individual Latino. I chose the virtually impossible task of trying to document as many communities of Latinos along with a strong number of those who are not part of a Latino community, having experienced less bonding between Latinos and more of assimilation and possible alternate bonding with another non-Latino based community. Even more interesting would be to see if these individuals felt alienated and unsure of their identity. Basically, the answer to this question can’t truly be answered but not just because my approach would require years of research and financing. There is no religion that could ever simply be labeled as Latino. Santeria, one of the religions brought over, is a mix of Latino and African indigenous. If the history of these African religions could be traced back, I’m sure they came from a merge of two or more pre-existing faiths. No sense of identity that anyone claims, whether ethnic, regional, political, etc. can be used to claim any religion because, in all honesty, not one religion is new, original, or separate from the other, much like trying to find an actor not six degrees away from Kevin Bacon. Even Anglo-Catholicism is not truly Anglo tracing back into its history. Latinos cannot create a religion (hybrid or ‘original’) that is exclusive to only them, nor can they take a pre-existing religion and simply throw Latino in front of it and claim any ownership to it. Sadly, the idea that there is any sense of ownership of religion does exist no matter how 100% false that claim is. This study would not give us an answer of whether a religion is Latino or not because that simply can’t be done. The best way I can think to explain this (and maybe it’s only because I’ve been studying for this final lately) is by comparing it to plate tectonics. There are two separate plates, one being Latino community and its current faith, the other representing whatever separate community and faith they are about to encounter. The basic premise of this scenario would be to gather any and all information about each separate plate so that we can properly predict and/or analyze the impending collision. Many scenarios would arise. The Latino plate could prove to be weaker, being forced under by the other plate, with only scattered (yet explosive) uprising magmatic traditions that couldn’t fully be coerced out of them, similar to the Anglo vs. Mexican Catholic experience. Or, the Latino plate could prove stronger and, instead, overtake the other plate, causing the opposite results, something I would personally love to see and hesitantly say could be the impending future of the Catholic church in America. The plates could also, rather than face each other head on, take on a transverse boundary, in which the Latino plate and the other plate violently rub together, causing intense heat, friction, and earthquakes all around the area. While they are not dramatically overtaking each other or drastically reshaping the weaker, they are interacting with each other abrasively where they meet, having effect on each other beyond just where they interact. This is still a situation of give and take, where the rocks actually rubbing at the boundary are mixing and switching in a tense manner. I find this to be most like the tension between the Protestant and Catholic churches, but specifically in the context of Latino conversion where the evangelicals and Catholic power-houses are struggling to keep what they have while also trying to acquire more of the Latinos in the vulnerable or soul-searching state that puts them in this boundary danger zone. Finally, there is the divergent zone, in which is where the two plates are moving away from each other. This is due to the combination of pull and push forces, something that should sound familiar to those who listened to the lectures. The pull force is coming from the other side of the plates that are partaking in the subduction or overtaking of another plate, causing them these two plates to pull away from each other. The push force is coming from the uprising of new magma between the two plates, creating new portions of each plate. This new material not only helps with growth and movement of the plates, but it’s also interesting that two different plates are now made of very similar (if not identical) matter at this boundary. This boundary is harder to put into context though it provides quite an interesting scenario. I would try and think of it as similar to a more relatively current situation in which Protestantism and Catholicism in Mexico have come to exist in each other’s space. They seem to just so sweetly and Christ-like naturally repel each other and desire great distance between them, in a general sense. Granted, Catholicism came ‘first’ and so instead of an even migration, the Protestant plate would be moving far faster and greater as they see the appeal of acceptance in America (pull force) and are virtually unwelcome in Mexico by Catholics (push force). Catholicism would remain more stagnant or, at least, be moving at a slower rate in the other direction. What’s most interesting, however, is what this ‘new’ material that is rising up will be. Could it represent the already clear open-minded and friendlier acceptance of Protestantism that can be fou nd in Mexican cities and villages near the border? Or is there something new on the horizon that we have yet to see? The one thing plate boundaries don’t cover is the existence of two plates that amiably live in the vicinity of each other. This is because not one single inch of a plate boundary isn’t interacting with another boundary. Call me a cynic, but there will never be a situation in which humans will interact in a 100% non-violent or abrasive manner, even if they try their best not to. Religion, like plates, will never stop interacting or changing and not one religion comes out fully unchanged. So, the answer to the question is clearly not here. Instead, I think the question to ask here is broad and consisting of many layers. Considering the consensus that religions are not own-able or entitled to anyone, how does the personal and community experience of Latinos shape the way in which Latino communities and individuals react with other religious experiences they encounter? Do certain similar experiences (boundary types) correlate with similar outcomes (boundary types)? What does this tell us about the nature of Latino practices and traditions, such as why certain traits or traditions are less tightly held on to or how these dynamics lead to a winner in the power struggle? And, of course, in return, we can ask all these questions in regards to whatever religious experience our other plate may represent. Research Papers on Latino Religions - a Blend of Nationalist and Spiritual MeaningAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeHip-Hop is ArtQuebec and CanadaCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Comparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoDefinition of Export Quotas

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Assassination Attempt on Mussolini

Assassination Attempt on Mussolini At 10:58 a.m. on April 7, 1926, Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini  was heading back to his car after having just given a speech in Rome to the International Congress of Surgeons when a bullet nearly ended his life. Irish aristocrat Violet Gibson shot at Mussolini, but because he turned his head at the last moment, the bullet went through Mussolinis nose instead of his head. Gibson was caught immediately but never explained why she wanted to assassinate Mussolini. Assuming she was insane at the time of the shooting, Mussolini let Gibson go back to Great Britain, where she spent the rest of her life in a sanatorium.   The Assassination Attempt In 1926, Benito Mussolini had been the prime minister of Italy for four years and his schedule, like every countrys leader, was full and hectic. Having already met with Duke dAosta at 9:30 a.m. on April 7, 1926, Mussolini was driven to the capitol building in Rome to speak at the Seventh International Congress of Surgeons.   After Mussolini finished his speech praising modern medicine, he walked outside toward his car, a black Lancia, that was waiting to whisk Mussolini away. In the large crowd that had been waiting outside the capitol building for Mussolini to emerge, no one paid any attention to 50-year-old Violet Gibson. Gibson was easy to dismiss as a threat for she was small and thin, wore a worn black dress, had long, gray hair that was loosely pinned up, and gave off the general air of being disheveled. As Gibson stood outside near a lamppost, no one realized that she was both mentally unstable and carried a Lebel revolver in her pocket. Gibson had a prime spot. As Mussolini headed to his car, he got within just a foot of Gibson. She raised her revolver and pointed it at Mussolinis head. She then fired at near point-blank range. At nearly that exact time, a student band started playing Giovinezza, the National Fascist Partys official hymn. Once the song started, Mussolini turned to face the flag and snapped to attention, bringing his head back just enough for the bullet fired by Gibson to nearly miss him. A Bleeding Nose Rather than passing into Mussolinis head, the bullet passed through part of Mussolinis nose, leaving burn marks on both of his cheeks. Although onlookers and his staff were worried that the wound could be serious, it was not. Within minutes, Mussolini reappeared, wearing a large bandage over his nose. Mussolini was most surprised that it was a woman who had tried to kill him. Just after the attack, Mussolini murmured, A woman! Fancy, a woman! What Happened to Victoria Gibson? After the shooting, Gibson was grabbed by the crowd, pummeled, and nearly lynched on the spot. Policemen, however, were able to save her and bring her in for questioning. No real motive for the shooting was discovered and it is believed that she was insane when she attempted the assassination. Interestingly, rather than having Gibson killed, Mussolini had her deported back to Britain, where she spent her remaining years in a mental asylum. * Benito Mussolini as quoted in ITALY: Mussolini Trionfante TIME Apr. 19, 1926. Retrieved on March 23, 2010. Source,9171,729144-1,00.html

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Some Moral Minima, ethics and relativism Article

Some Moral Minima, ethics and relativism - Article Example ime in the history and the future of man is killing for the sake of killing, taking a person’s rights away for the sake of acquiring wealth, being untruthful and genocide which is mass killing is unacceptable. There are many more moral issues like terrorism, polygamy, murder, rape, incent and slavery discussed by Mosser.K (2010) in detail with regards to the cultural aspects. The specific principles related to each case he has dealt with was majorly based on Hindu and Buddhist scriptures, and many of the norms are withdrawn from the rich and cultural heritage of Indian society which has norms that are suitable on a universal level. Genocide deals with mass killing of people belonging to a certain culture and closely runs in parallel with terrorism. As Goodman (2010) states, â€Å"genocide is the ultimate essentializing of the exotic†¦reflected in this invented mask, it sees the image of the new man it hopes to create by the expulsion and destruction of the other† (p. 89). From the beginning of our human history genocidebeen practiced. It is sad to see that there are thousands of wars fought for no valid reason at all and there have been numerous killings in our past history based on extinction on a particular set of people. According to me genocide is a systematic way of getting rid of a particular section of the human society as their cultures differ from the rest and this act is cruel and immoral. It will never uplift the society and this practice is very degrading to the human nature. Goodman (2010) states that genocide the most violent outcome of cultural disputes (p. 89).Genocide according to me is the overall outcome of terrorists and this mass scale man slaughter is very ugly. All individuals are equivalent no matter their sex, nationality or creed and they all have to right to live their life time. Every human should treat others as he will expect the other to treat him, human kindness and equal rights makes the world a better place to live in a

The Legacy of Keynes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Legacy of Keynes - Essay Example The influence of J.M. Keynes work is immense in the field of economics as he revolutionised economics with his classic book written in 1936, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money and changed the way we perceive the role of economy and governments in social life. With the introduction of the theory of income expenditure multiplier in 1931 by Richard Kahn, Keynes worked on the basis of his work which was to bring about revolutionary ideas to the field of economy giving rise to a new branch of economics known as the 'macroeconomics' (Keynes, 1936/1974). In a two volume Treatise on Money published in 1930 Keynes established the Wicksellian theory of the credit cycle in which the initial ideas of the liquidity preference theory of interest are suggested. This has been considered as one of the most important of Keynes contributions along with his ideas on marginal efficiency of investment. The impact of his 1936 book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money has been unprecedented not only because of the timing of its publications but also due to its unique approach that brought in a new brand of Keynesian economics (Coddington 1976; 1260; Trevithick 1992). This book was released during the period of the Great Depression and had major political, social and economic impact. Within the general theory, Keynes sought to develop a theory that can explain the formation of aggregate output and employment considering aggregate demand as the determining factor. He introduced certain revolutionary concepts in economics such as the co ncept of demand-determined equilibrium. He also suggested that price flexibility is generally ineffective as a cure to unemployment. Keynes also gave a unique theory of money based on "liquidity preference", and highlighted the role of radical expectations (Trevitihick 1992; Keynes 1936/1974). He worked on the marginal efficiency of investment schedule and taking a detour from Say's Law reversed the savings-investment causation relationship, and also suggested the possibility of government fiscal and monetary policy that can be used to counter the problems of recessions and control economic booms for a balanced and predictable economy.The Keynesian ideas were controversial as they were revolutionary and although Keynes had support of progressive economists he faced severe opposition from traditional ones. The "IS-LM" representation of Keynes's theory initiated the "Neoclassical-Keynesian Synthesis" and became the most popular and dominant form of macroeconomics by the 1960s (Chrysta l et al, 1994; Snowdown et al.1994). The Keynesian synthesis however went through changes in the Post Keynesian era although Keynes' theories were retained in the original forms. Keynes influence was pronounced due to the combined factors of the Depression, post war economy and Keynes revolutionary ideas that changed the way economists perceived or interpreted the role of government and concepts of economic theories (Snowdown et al, 1994). The inflationary gap of the post war era as identified by Keynes led to his emphasis on compulsory savings and setting up of an international commodity reserve. In a later

Friday, October 18, 2019

Khatem Al Shaklah Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Khatem Al Shaklah - Essay Example A strategic plan has been formulated with vision, mission and product development, and communication and media strategies are being established. At the end, an impact analysis has been done to review the sustainability of the project in the long run. Location Audit Khatem al Shaklah is an upcoming area located in the city of Al Ain. Al Ain is one of the developed cities in the state of UAE. It is also the second largest city in Emirates. The place is located near the border of Oman and connected by highways to big cities like Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The rainfall is average in the place and humidity is low, which makes it a favourite destination for holidays, especially during the summers. The place also boasts presence of many green forests and gardens, because of which the city is often termed as Garden city. Khatem al Shaklah is located on the central part of the city and is properly connected to the rest of the city with well built highways. The city of Al Ain is a popular destinatio n for tourist attraction. As most of the other cities in UAE are located in the coastal areas, the humidity is high. Dry weather of the Al Ain city makes it a favourable place for outing and spending holidays. Al Ain has become a major destination for commerce and service industry. This rise of tourists and people settling here from other countries makes it a favourable market for services industry. The city has currently three established malls and shopping centres (Atiyyah, 1997). Apart from the weather, the place is also famous for its historical legacy. The rich culture of Arab has been preserved in many historical and archaeological sites in the city (Nikam, et al, 2004). All the above features make the place an attractive destination for setting up a new heritage site. SWOT Analysis To find out the opportunities and areas of concern, a SWOT analysis has been done for the chosen place. The goal of SWOT analysis is to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with the chosen location and strategies to overcome the weaknesses and threats (Piercy and Giles, 1989). Strengths- The major strengths associated with the location are the weather and the historic legacy associated with it (Carlsen and Andersson, 2011). With a normal temperature and rainfall and a lower humidity especially during the summers, the area becomes a major destination place for tourists. The place has also many gardens and green spots which further attract tourists in the desert area. Another strength of the location is the infrastructure, the place is in the central part of the state and is connected with major cities such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai through highways as well as air transport. This makes it easy for the tourists and travellers and ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for them. Weakness - The weakness of the location can be associated with the political, geographical and variable weather conditions. Even though the place is better than most of the cities of the Emirates in terms of weather, the climate is constantly changing. Sudden sand storms and cold nights are the major issues which tourists face. Also the area is not well promoted as a holiday destination which can be a hindering factor for any new projects in this

Celebrities Endorsement to a Brand Promotion Dissertation

Celebrities Endorsement to a Brand Promotion - Dissertation Example Celebrities acted as the spokesperson to promote and advertise the product, services and sometimes ideas. Those celebrities usually came from the movie, sports, modelling and art scene industry. British actor Lillie Langtry was the first celebrity endorser appeared on the package of Pears soap in the year 1893. In that era, advertisers used celebrities in order to dictate the market trend. According to Belch’s research (2009), endorsers can be divided into three different groups that are experts, celebrities, and lay endorsers (Belch and Belch, 2009). An expert can be defined as having some specific knowledge in particular area that can be promoted. Usually experts are chosen because of their thorough knowledge. When a dentist is used in toothpaste commercial then the dentist can be defined as an expert. Lay endorsers are those who are initially unknown to their audience. It has been seen that these individuals are selected according to the target segment so that, target segme nt can relate themselves with the endorser and the message. Audio advertisement and the voice-over in video advertisements are usually that of a lay endorser. According to Kambitsis et al, uses of celebrities are becoming more sophisticated as well as more complicated. Popularity of using celebrities in USA increased from around 15% to 25 % and it has been seen that more than 20% of the Television commercials feature celebrities. It can be proved that the use of celebrities in advertising generates lot of attention and publicity from public.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

MBA Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MBA Application - Essay Example Surprisingly I have managed to come through with flying colours and that is what has motivated me to enrol for your management consultancy programme. Without sounding too flattering I feel I have strong analytical and problem solving skills and enjoy finding solutions to problems. It is my personal motivation that is driving me to work harder and to achieve my goals. Although several motivation theories have highlighted different motivation forces namely fear, self-interest, security, safety, ego etc, I agree that it is also supported by self-interest which plays an important role in achievement and it is one of the essential prerequisites for motivation. We notice that people around the world make goals and then work hard to achieve them but have we ever really focused on their reasons for achievement If we delve deeper into the reason or forces that motivate them to succeed, we notice that self-interest dominates all other factors. Even those who appear to be involved in some absolutely selfless goals are in some way serving their own interests.

Good Practices in independent consultancy Essay

Good Practices in independent consultancy - Essay Example A good working knowledge of the industry is also critical for the consultant, as well as a proven track record of past successes with previous clients. For this, the consultant must be updated on current trends and forecasts in the industry. Although this report focuses on my own field of expertise, you will see that the practices and ethics apply to all forms of consultancy and are based upon good human relations, the wherewithal to analyze accurately, expediency and prompt delivery of results. It is also imperative respond to reasonable client contacts promptly. I was contacted by the owner of CafAntonio, a popular small restaurant in Tor Quay, Devon. Over the phone, he told me that he was very concerned about the amount of increase in his expenditures due to high fuel prices and an increase in dairy prices. He didn't see how he could avoid raising prices and wished to explore other options. In the initial contact we discussed my skills, background and fees. Upon his verbal agreement to my fee (Caldwell, Mark), I made an appointment to visit the establishment the following afternoon at 14.30. The site was visited on 13 June 2005 at 14.30. The owner was interviewed about his bookkeeping practices as well as his menu content, staff, and equipment. He provided his records for the previous year as well as the current year. The site was then toured to observe the work of staff, food preparation and disposal, and current inventory of food, beverages, place settings, serviettes and non-perishables. The owner was questioned regarding utilization of extra portions and unused perishable ingredients, as well as an estimation of average daily sales. The owner was asked for and provided inventory records for a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

MBA Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MBA Application - Essay Example Surprisingly I have managed to come through with flying colours and that is what has motivated me to enrol for your management consultancy programme. Without sounding too flattering I feel I have strong analytical and problem solving skills and enjoy finding solutions to problems. It is my personal motivation that is driving me to work harder and to achieve my goals. Although several motivation theories have highlighted different motivation forces namely fear, self-interest, security, safety, ego etc, I agree that it is also supported by self-interest which plays an important role in achievement and it is one of the essential prerequisites for motivation. We notice that people around the world make goals and then work hard to achieve them but have we ever really focused on their reasons for achievement If we delve deeper into the reason or forces that motivate them to succeed, we notice that self-interest dominates all other factors. Even those who appear to be involved in some absolutely selfless goals are in some way serving their own interests.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

MARKETING - Essay Example ith only Apple products and hence the sales people are equipped with knowledge about the company products and this brings about customer satisfaction. In order to retain its customers, Apple continues to design and unveil new products like computer, iPods and iPhones among others (Schneiders, 14). Branding has to do with having desirable products, ideas, manifestos among other things and not solely about the name or logo of the company. Apple has adopted the emotion branding where it aims to connect with the emotions of the customers which emphasizes that their products are not just for physical but also emotional gratification. It has succeeded in this through having Apple Brand Personality where customers express their imagination, aspirations and dreams when using Apple products (Schneiders, 33). This explores issues of pricing, architecture, consistency among other issues that the company holds of value. In Apple, their value strategies mainly revolve around the monolithic architecture of all their products in such a way that they are recognizable by anyone. They have also ensured consistency of the products they make and especially the computer quality and technological desirability. Compared to other companies that are competitors of Apple, this company’s product prices are fair and match the quality of their products (Schneiders,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Social, Moral, and Political Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Social, Moral, and Political Philosophy Essay Introduction Social, moral, and political philosophies are three branches that share elements, but are different in application. This paper considers what the fields have in common, how they are different, and how they apply to modern life. When thinkers contemplate such diverse ideas such as justice, love, friendship, democracy, and divorce, they are considering concepts that fit in one or more of the three fields of philosophy discussed in this paper. Contrasts and Commonality. When philosophy addresses questions of values there are three branches that work as agents in the effort: social, moral, and political philosophy. Though there is plenty of overlap with the primary concerns of each branch, there is also sufficient difference in their aim. In some cases the three mentioned fields of philosophy share elements so much that it is easy to confuse them, and yet, in some case they are so different as to ask completely different questions about the same circumstances. Social philosophy addresses questions of society and its institutions; concerned especially with determining the features of the ideal or best society (Moore Bruder, 2004). The primary terrain of social philosophy is the exterior of human beings and how it interacts with collectives and the systems created by the collectives. How humans relate to each other, how they collect into organizations, and how those organizations can best be configured; these are the questions for social philosophy. Moral philosophy (ethics) is the philosophical study of moral judgments that identify what is of virtue, just, morally right, good, and also the opposite of each of those concepts. One of the aims of contemporary moral philosophy is to discover some method or style of argument that can help people resolve moral disagreements (Landesman, 2000). Moral philosophy searches the interior of humanity and seeks answers to questions of right and wrong. Pressing questions for moral philosophy ask individuals to affirm or deny abortion, capital punishment, polygamy, illicit drug use, and prostitution. Political philosophy concerns itself with the nature of the state and seeks to assess its justification and proper organization (Moore Bruder, 2004). Rather than seeking the answers to what is moral, right, or just, political philosophy considers which structure works best for the ordering of society, and who should rule within that structure. For example, according to Plato aristocracy is a preferred form of government that is ruled by a philosopher-king (Moore Bruder, 2004, pg. 311). Each of the mentioned branches of philosophy expresses the values that construct the conditions for human life. A healthy, viable society is erected not only by steel and mortar, but also by social mores, concepts of proper interactions, and systems for vetting policy ideas to govern behavior. Social and moral philosophy ask what is right and just with our social institutions, with the expectation that the perfect society is realistically obtainable. Moral and political philosophy work together to first set the foundation for describing the optimal good, and then creating the rationale and methodology for ordering the thoughts, ideas, and justification for state organization and action. The Differences While there is overlap between social, moral, and political philosophy, there are also points where they depart from each other to separate ideological territory. The thing that differentiates each of the mentioned areas of philosophy can be determined by the angle taken on a question. As an example, consider an unmarried couple that has premarital intimate relations that results in a pregnancy. Social philosophy would ask what the couple should do that would result in the best social relations, with the best net effect for society overall. Moral philosophy would search their options and ask if abortion, out-of-wedlock birth, and premarital sex are right or wrong. Political philosophy would ask what laws should be created to enforce the best interests of the state. Applications for Modern Life In modern life there are plenty of opportunities to apply social, moral, and political philosophy. Consider the vexing and ongoing war in Iraq. The war started with a new political theory that was dubbed â€Å"the Bush doctrine,† named after President George W. Bush. For the first time in American history the country was signaling to the world that preemptive aggression against countries thought to threaten American interest was acceptable. The idea of attacking other countries before they attacked first had previously been viewed as contradictory to the essential political tradition in America. Traditional American political philosophy going back to the earliest leaders was nearly isolationist and firmly against needlessly meddling in international strife. Everything changed with the Bush doctrine. Social philosophy considers life in America and Iraq as a result of the war. What type of society would be best in a post-war Iraq? How can the deeply divisive war be moderated in America between individuals who support and oppose the war? Moral philosophy wonders about the rightness of attacking people when they have not been aggressive first; about equivalency of murder and so-called â€Å"collateral damage,† a euphemism for accidental killing of non-combatants; and whether Americans soldiers who fight in Iraq are just warriors fighting for virtuous aims or improper agents of injustice. Political philosophy would strike to the heart of how the decision for the United States to engage in preemptive war should be decided. In a famous quote President Bush announced to the American public â€Å"I’m the decider. † However, the democratic republic and constitutional form of government actually rests the declaration of war in the domain of Congress. Founders of American government purposefully separated the system into three branches in an attempt to create checks and balances. With the actions of President Bush, one would need political philosophy to reason through the ambiguous local of war powers used amongst the three branches of government. If the president is able to use a personal philosophy in order to commit the American military to a long-term war, then the form of government would seem to be aristocracy. If Congress were to use their authority to prevent the doctrine of preemptive war from prevailing, then the form of government would seem to be a republic. If the president and Congress were to observe the polls that reveal a majority of Americans disapprove of the war, and act upon public opinion, the form of government would be democracy. Conclusion Though social, moral, and political philosophies share common elements, they contrast each other by the questions they consider in given circumstances. Social philosophy questions what is best between humans and their collectives. Moral philosophy seeks determinations of right and wrong, justice and injustice, virtue and dishonor. Political philosophy ponders the best way to organize the State. Each field of philosophy shares the net effect of creating structure for how humans exist, behave, and live together. However, the fields differ in that they concentrate in on instance on the experiential nature of human interaction, in another case on abstract concept of rightness, and in another case on the physical structure of the State. Landesman, C. (Winter 2000). Can Moral Philosophy Teach Us Anything?. Academic Questions, 14, 1. p. 50. Retrieved April 08, 2008, from General OneFile via Gale: http://find. galegroup. com/itx/start. do? prodId=ITOF.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

How Individuals with Down Syndrome can Prosper in Life Essay -- Health

How Individuals with Down Syndrome can Prosper in Life Roger is a handsome blonde, blue-eyed boy but one can tell he is different from most other children.   His physical features are somewhat strange.   Roger's face is broader and his nasal bridge flatter than usual.   And his eyes, they appear to slant upward and have folds at the inner corners.   His mouth is small and the roof of his mouth is very narrow.   Not to mention his small ears which fold over a bit at the top.   Touching his hands they are tiny, his fingers shorter and his fifth finger seems to curve slightly inward.   These are all physical signs of a child with a disorder called Down syndrome, a chromosome disorder.   While there is no actual cure for Down syndrome I believe parents can give their children the opportunity to live longer, happier more capable lives than any prior generation of people with Down syndrome.   Children with Down syndrome have the potential to fit into society and lead normal lives by education, employment and support from a be tter-informed society.     Ã‚   One may ask why looking at a disorder like Down syndrome is important in relation to science.   This is because approximately three to five thousand children are born with Down syndrome each year.   And it is believed there are about two hundred and fifty thousand families in the United States who are affected by Down syndrome (Moss).   Down syndrome occurs when certain events occur during cell division to cause the wrong chromosome number as a result.   Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder characterized by the presence of an extra #21 chromosome.   Instead of having forty-six chromosomes in each of his/her cells, a person with Down syndrome has forty-seven.   It is believed that during cell ... ...nd make significant contributions to their communities every day (UPSIDE! Down Syndrome Society - Ramblings).   With education, employment, and support from a community an individual with Down syndrome can have a normal life and there is no limit to what he/she can accomplish. . Work Cited 1) Down Syndrome: For New Parents. 15 February 2004. 2) Kate Moss.   "Hearing and Vision Loss Associated with Down Syndrome." 15 February 2004.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3) Starr, Cecie. Basic Concepts in Biology.   United States: Thomson Learning, Inc., 2003. 4) Unger, Darlene. "Working in the community through supported Employment."   13 February  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2004. 5) "UPSIDE! Down Syndrome Society-Ramblings." 15 February 2004.  Ã‚     Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Frankenstein Essay example -- essays research papers

What qualifies a creature to be a monster? When the movie Frankenstein came out, monsters were usually big and scary animals that terrified everyone that walked in their path. They were creatures that generally behaved monstrously, doing things that were against society norms and had no consideration for the safety of others. Perhaps looking beyond the physical appearance of a â€Å"monster† and just looking at their actions one might see Dr. Frankenstein as a monster himself. Frankenstein was a story about a man who created an individual which led his life to failure and death, because of his desire to play which nature, and attempting the role of God. The movie Frankenstein explores the consequences of what happens when man tries to play God and chases his ambition blindly. Victor Frankenstein became very involved in his work to create a being out of dead body parts. The doctor had the desire to achieve something that no scientist has ever done before: to give life to a being through science, not human nature. With this pursuit of knowledge, not only did Victor isolate himself from society but also from those who loved him, such as his fiancà ©e Elizabeth and his father. However, it is with this knowledge and ambition, that winds up destroying him and those closest to him. His project he felt would better human kind and possibly make a name for himself, which is ironic because he brought only evil to society and death to his name. Frankenstein is so caught up in his work and his yearning to be remembered for all time that he does not think about what will happen after life is breathed into this being. After his creation comes to life, he refuses to accept his obligation as the creator to his creation. He does not care for it, shelter it, provide it with food or love, nor teaches the creation. When realizing how to actually make his creation work he found out just how evil and strong his â€Å"monster† truly was. By bringing this creation to life; a destructive being that he had no control over, he doomed his own life and his intentions. Dr. Frankenstein was blinded by the fact that he was unable to foresee the effects that a creature could never be fully accepted into the human race. He was ultimately haunted by his own creation. Yet is it his monster’s fault that he doesn’t know right from wrong, or is it Dr. Frankenstein’s fault? Frankenstein is called the creato... ... just a phase, hoping he could get over his work and forget about his creation and all the havoc he had caused. But unfortunately he couldn’t, the monster haunted him and eventually ruined him. What was once a sought after dream, was now a nightmare. There would be only one solution;to kill the monster. But was the creation really the monster? To the society and Victor he was but to the viewer, he was only a helpless creator who lost his way. Victor Frankenstein shows that experimenting with the work of God or nature is immoral and will only end in corruption. No one can play God. The movie shows that a person who chases notoriety for his or her own personal intentions may find the consequences of their actions to be truly demoralizing, causing him to become the monster more than his creation. His faults in his creation lead to his demise. Work Cited 1. Shelly, Mary. Frankenstein. Penguin Group. London, England. 1992. 2. Frankenstein. Produced by Carl Laemmle Jr. Perf. Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, Boris Karloff, and John Boles. Universal Pictures. 1931. 3.Gods and Monsters. The Flick Filosopher. AF 100:#87

Friday, October 11, 2019

Changing Rights and Freedoms of Aboriginal People

Since the European invasion in 1788, Aboriginals have been treated poorly by the Australian government and have struggled to retain their rights and freedoms. Conflict emerged as the British colony expanded and Aboriginal land was taken from them. Due to conflict between the Aborigines and the British settlers, they were treated poorly and were refused rights and freedom. They were at risk under unfair industrial relations processes where they were not awarded equal pay, poor access to housing and reasonable living conditions, and on-going discrimination in Australian society. Overtime, aborigines contested leading to the change unequal government policies allowing them to obtain land rights, the reconciliation after issue with the stolen generation and the 1967 referendum which resulted with the inclusion of aborigines in the Australian constitution. There were many changes in the government policies overtime from initially being paternalistic to reconciliation. â€Å"Protection† was the first policy introduced relating to Indigenous people. It started due to the reduction in the Aboriginal population, and a growing consciousness of the general mistreatment of Aboriginal people. While this policy of protection commenced from 1869 to 1937, many civil rights of the aborigines were negated by the government. The Government were in control of the movement of Aboriginal people, leisure and sporting activities, work, earnings and possessions of Aboriginal people and marriages and family life. Continuing difficulties and criticisms of the treatment of Aboriginal people lead to the policy of â€Å"Assimilation† being introduced. In 1937 the commonwealth Government held a national conference on Aboriginal affairs. According to this new policy of ‘assimilation’, Aboriginal people would lose their identity but have their ‘status’ raised. The Assimilation Policy meant that the Aboriginal people were forced to stop the practices of their culture and adopt the culture and lifestyle of the white Australians, or the ‘majority'. Discrimination continued against the aboriginals and racism continued to spread, resulting in the eventual end of this policy in 1965. After the failure of the assimilation policy, the Commonwealth Government announced its policy of â€Å"Integration† in 1965 and then did little towards it. The policy meant that Indigenous Australians would be able to voice and openly celebrate their cultural differences. Aboriginal people are supposed to have more control over their life and society. The introduction of the policy self-determination was followed not long after. This was a policy of facilitating Indigenous people’s involvement in decision making for and management of their community. With this policy many aboriginal organisations developed to assist Aboriginal people to acquire land, to engage in business enterprises and to obtain finance for housing and other personal needs. On 2 September 1991, the federal Parliament unanimously passed the Council for â€Å"Reconciliation† Act. The Act established the 25-member Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. The Council lobbied for recognition of customary law, self-government for Indigenous Australians, compensation for past injustices, a settlement of native title issues and recognition within the Constitution of Indigenous people’s rights. Reconciliation awaits the achievement of justice with regard to Indigenous land rights and to equity with other Australians in health, living conditions, education and employment. It was the final step towards improving equality within Australian society. The Indigenous Australian children known as the â€Å"Stolen Generations† were the result from a policy introduced in 1901. It was a dark time in Australian history where aboriginals were denied their rights and freedoms. This policy allowed children of Indigenous Australian and European descent to be removed from their families by the Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective parliaments. This act was seen as an act of protection of Indigenous Australian children. These children were known as the stolen generations. The forced removal of Indigenous Australian children from their families was an official government policy designed to ‘assimilate’ or ‘breed out’ Indigenous people. It was estimated that 100,000 Indigenous Australian children were taken from their families and raised in homes or adopted by white families, up until the 1960s. Many of these children suffered abuse in their adoptive or foster homes and was not allowed to complain. Not only that the abduction was traumatic for the children, but also for the families, they were too, physically, psychologically and emotionally harmed. And by the late 1980’s, many of these children from the stolen generation lost their links with family and land, lost their understanding of kinship and missed out on being educated in the language, culture and traditions of their people. Many cultural and spiritual ties were crippled not only for the individuals, but families and even the whole communities. Change of rights and freedoms of Indigenous Australians was said to be the influence of the 1967 referendum. It was a vote that approved two amendments to the Australian constitution relating to Indigenous Australians. The 1967 Referendum proposed to include Aboriginal people in the census and to allow the Commonwealth government to make laws to improve rights and freedoms for Aboriginal people. On 27 May 1967, 90. 77% of Australian voters recorded the largest ever ‘Yes’ vote in a referendum to alter the Australian constitution. This referendum finally enabled Aboriginal people to be counted in the national census and to be subject to Commonwealth laws, rather than just state laws. On 10 August 1967 the act changing the Constitution became law in Australia. The Aboriginals worked hard and protested to achieve this, but many were disappointed prior to the 1967 referendum, not much changed for them and did not reduce the inequality. The referendum did not carry out their commitments in improving health, housing, employment and education for the Indigenous people. Though it was not as effective as it was thought to be, it was a large contribution in their fight for equal rights and freedom and the beginning of reconciliation. The change of equal rights and freedom for Aboriginals was a long and hard process. Indigenous Australians were treated poorly since 1788 settlement with unfair industrial relations processes where they were not awarded equal pay, poor access to housing and reasonable living conditions, and on-going discrimination in Australian society. It has taken many decades for any real change around land rights, discriminatory practices, financial assistance and preservation of cultural heritage to occur. Though many changes in rights and freedoms of aboriginals have been made, there are still many issues unsolved and will be a long time before they do. But so far, compared to a few decades before, Aboriginals have accomplished and gained many rights and freedoms since the British Settlement in 1788.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

History of Japan Essay

1. What are the key features of the Tokugawa settlements that were worked out under Ieyasu and Iemitsu? What is the rationale behind this system? In what ways might it be considered `centralized feudalism`? The Tokugawa settlements that were worked out under the rule of Ieyasu and Iemitsu were mainly forms of centralized feudalism.   The Tokugawa period, particularly the Ieyasu Shogunate, was based on a strict class hierarchy.   This was based on the old structure created by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Bryant 2005).   It was comprised of the warrior-caste of samurai who were at the top of the hierarchy and they were followed by the farmers, the artisans, and the traders. The key feature of the Ieyasu Shogunate was the implementation of the feudal military dictatorship by Tokugawa Ieyasu.   This system of â€Å"centralized feudalism† was the key tool which helped the ruling body in restoring political and social order after a long period of warfare and chaos.   The system was such that there were feudal lords who controlled their own domains but they subject however to the whims of the Shogun who was characterized as the defacto ruler for Japan.   The ascension to Shogun was hereditary and thus led to the control by the Tokugawa Shoguns from the 1600s to 1868 (Sadler 1937). Tokugawa Ieyasu was able to gain control of the entire country through this method.   Though once a Daimyo himself, he soon became a Shogun and began exercising power over the 250 other daimyos all over Japan.   This was the centralized system that the Tokugawas were able to establish and relevant to this system was the â€Å"Alternate Attendance System† or the sankin kà ´tai (Sadler 1937). This system simply meant that every daimyo had to live every alternate year in the capital city of Edo under the penalty of permanently living in the city and leaving his life and heir behind in case such a task was not fulfilled.   Needless to say, this had immense implications for the history of Japan.   It meant that there were huge transfers of wealth since the daimyos had to finance their trips.   It also led to the fostering of a sense of loyalty to Edo as every daimyo after 1700 felt drawn to Edo as a native of the city (Sansom 1961). The situation was not so different during the time of Tokugawa Iemitsu who was the grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu (Bryant 2005).   Iemitsu’s rise to power was predicated by the abdication of Hidetade in his favaor.   Hidetada installed all of his advisors and veteran daimyo in the service of Iemitsu but soon after, Iemitsu appointed most of his childhood friends and was soon able to carry on the installation of a strong and centralized form of administration similar to that by his grandfather Tokugawa Ieyasu.   While there were those who opposed such an act, Tokugawa Iemitsu simply removed all opposition and remained in power (Sansom 1961). The reason that these periods were considered as â€Å"centralized feudalism† was the fact that though there were different domains that were ruled by the daimyos, all power still emanated from the Shogun (Bryant 2005).   The Shogun ruled under the authority of the emperor and in fact ruled over most, if not all, of the activities of the realm.   This was eventually overthrown and replaced during the Meiji Renewal. 2. How would you characterize Meiji Japan`s economic development? In what ways was it distinctive? What role did the state play? Meiji Japan’s economic development was characterized by the Meiji Renewal which was a series of events that led up to major changes in Japan’s political and social structure (Beasley 1995).   The arrival of the Black Ships of Commodore Matthew Perry ushered in a direct response from the Shogunate and thus the Meiji restoration began.   It was during this same period that Japan established itself as an Imperial Power. The foundation of the Meiji Renewal was the formation of the Satsuma-ChÃ… shÃ… « Alliance between SaigÃ…  Takamori, who was the leader of the Satsuma domain and Kido Takayoshi, who was the leader of the ChÃ… shÃ… « domain (Jansen 2000).   Initially brought together to challenge the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate and installing the emperor into power, the Satsuma-ChÃ… shÃ… « Alliance succeeded in altering the political structure of Japan.   The two leaders, SaigÃ…  Takamori and Kido Takayoshi, were supported by Emperor KÃ… mei (Beasley 1995). The distinct characteristic of this period was the fact that it ushered in the industrialization of Japan (Jansen 2000).   It also led to the emergence of Japan as an island nation that possessed military power by the year 1905.   The slogan for Japan during this time was fukoku kyohei, which translates into â€Å"Enrich the country, strengthen the military.† The manner in which this Renewal was accomplished was by creating a group in which all the power was consolidated against the remnants of the Edo period government, the shogunate, daimyo, and the samurai class.   Thus the Meiji Oligarchy was formed.   During this period, the Tokugawa lands were seized and placed under the direct control of the government.   Some of the Daimyos who protested such an act eventually relented and returned their domains to the Emperor which lead to the creation of a central government in Japan for the first time in its history and also allowed the new centralized government to exercise direct power throughout the entire realm (Beasley 1995). The pivotal point came in 1871 when all the Daimyos were brought before the emperor and it was decreed that all domains were now to be returned to the Emperor (Jansen 2002).   These â€Å"returned† domains were converted into prefectures that were under the control of a government appointed governor. The next step came in the abolition of the four divisions in Japanese society that had previously existed.   This led to the abolition of the Samurai class, which at that time numbered nearly 1.9 million, and led to the development of the Japanese military which was now open to peasants (Beasley 1995).   Nationwide conscription was now established in order to fill in the ranks left by the former Samurais and every male was mandated to serve in the new armed forces of Japan for four (4) years upon turning 21. The state therefore played a very critical role in all of this as it was under the state that the abolition of traditional political structures was engineered and the abolition of the social classes was commenced.   The establishment of a strong Japanese Imperial Army also played a great role as it provided the state with the power that it needed in order to institute the reforms that is sought to implement (Jansen 2000).


Desire was a young bride that was adopted with no connection to the past that marries a successful Louisianan plantation owner. Desire and Armband have a baby, but something isn't quite right with him because at about three months of age the truth comes out, the baby has African origins causing the marriage to dissolve. Armband's accusation leads to heartache and tragedy because he valued his family name more than his family. Having a mulatto in those times was not unheard of, but not in â€Å"his† family.The cultural system is flawed because it leads to pride being challenged and personal humiliation of social system based on white supremacy and the oppression f women and people of color. Waits 2 Armband's misogynistic pride was destructive to the faithful relationship that Desire and he shared in the beginning. It seems that Armband wasn't really in love with Desire, at least not truly. â€Å"Armband Abusing riding by seeing her there had fallen in love with her.That was th e way all the Bigness fell in love, as if struck by a pistol shot† (301). Armband has known Dsire for years and never felt any feelings for her, so it seems to reason that it was apparent that he was driven by his unconscious assign, or as Sigmund Freud says his lust for her and not as a deep seated emotional love. His prideful name leads us to believe his love is only superficial because he doesn't care where she came from, his only concern was that she carried his last name. Desire was only his possession, not his wife. The passion that awoke in him that day, when he saw her at the gate, swept along like and avalanche†¦ He was reminded that she was nameless. What did that matter about a name when he could give her the oldest and proudest in Louisiana† (302)? Armband is selfish. He has it all, family name that seems to be compared to royalty, a wealthy plantation owner with vast slaves, all of which he's normally cruel to except when he gets married and his pridefu l baby boy was born. Armband seemed kinder, gentler, and more tolerant. †¦ He hasn't punished one of them-not one of them-since the baby is born. Even Engineering, who pretended to have burnt his leg that he might rest from work-he only laughed, and said Engineering was a great scamp† (302). Although his face has softened and his demeanor is less oppressive, still his only concern is the family name. Desire, the baby, and the slaves are still viewed to him as property and possessions, ones that are good or bad, but either way his name is upon them and whatever they do reflects his name.Once Armband realizes that his baby boy, the one to carry on his â€Å"name† was of African dissent, the baby and Desire were cast aside Waits 3 because they were no longer any use to him. Their worth was nothing to him any longer because his pride and heritage were at stake. Armband is a wealthy plantation owner, he courts, marries, and father's a child, but in the end his pride lea ds him to ultimately turn his back on his family. The other major issue that â€Å"Desires Baby† brings to light is that of racism.Racism, with an indispensable set of truths-racism only victimizes all â€Å"possessions† in the South that lead to the ultimate superiority ideology. The superior ideology says that being black is an evil curse that must be stamped out. African Americans were considered inferior to the white culture which led to Desire and her baby's destruction. Armband ruled with an iron fist as a cruel master in Southern legend. â€Å"Young Bigamy's rule was a strict one, too, and under it is Negroes had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old master's easy-going and indulgent lifetime† (302).He was mean and enormously for how he treated his slaves and finally his wife. The baby, at three months old seemed to resemble La Blanches little squadron boy who was standing beside the baby fanning him to cool him off. â€Å"One of La Bl anches little squadron boys-half naked too- stood fanning the child slowly with a fan of peacock feathers. Desires eyes had been fixed absently and sadly upon the baby, while she was striving to penetrate the heartening mist that she felt closing about her. She looked from the child to the boy who stood beside him, and back again.. T was a cry that she could not help†¦ She tried to speak to the little squadron boy; but no sound would come at first†¦ She stayed motionless, with gaze riveted upon on her child, and her face the picture of fright† (303). The quote shows the beginning of the end for the Abusing family. The superficial love that Armband had for Desire, was completely gone. The only thing left was the racist, black heart he had. Waits 4 Merriam Webster defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capabilities. Racism played a huge part in the story because once Armband found out that his baby boy had an African heritag e, his whole attitude changed. His attitude towards the love of his life was cast aside along with her baby and hearts were broken. Armband assumed it was Desire that was not white, but in actuality, it was him who was not. â€Å"But, above all,† she wrote, â€Å"night and day, I thank the good God for having so arranged our lives that our dear Armband will never know hat his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery† (305).The story has certain aspects of situational irony; such a reversal clearly shows that ideas of race, and the racism stemming from such ideas, are created by humans and humans alone. The use of situational irony in â€Å"Desires Baby' is important because it makes the ending of discovering Armband's origins much more powerful. The reader is somewhat confused as to the outcome of the irony because the reader thinks it's Desires fault as well. The story begins with her not having a name and Armband giving he r one of the oldest and proudest names in Louisiana.The irony of the situation was that Armband was expecting it to be Desires fault, but as it is clearly written, it was not. â€Å"Desires Baby† dealt with society's issue of slavery, miscegenation, and the assignment and classification of race. Desire and her baby were victims of the â€Å"superior culture† of the times, but the situational irony where Armband blames Desire is profound in the sense that one can never be too certain of his or her heritage.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Section 179 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Section 179 - Essay Example This is if the purchased equipment is depreciable over a certain period. It is an incentive sometimes used for some of the small enterprises to expand their businesses (Daily 45). This is with the purchasing of new equipment in the business. Limitations of Section 179 There is a higher tax bill that is acquired if the equipment purchased under section 179 is converted into personal use. If equipment is purchased under the method of section 179, it is highly likely that, during its depreciable life, it can be converted to personal use (Daily 48). However, it may prove costly to do so to the party that intends to do this conversion. Section 179 also dictates that a taxpayer’s deduction in a year cannot exceed or surpass their income from that active financial year. This means that they are not capable of, or cannot use more than what they may earn in their active conduct of business (Daily 51). All this is within the duration of a year. Moreover, under section 179, if one buys an asset, it is impossible for them to claim a deduction of more than what one paid for initially. This implies that purchasing an item using cash, the deduction on that item or asset is based only on the exact amount paid for the asset. In conclusion, section 179 is only suitable for the growth of businesses (Daily 58). It is not suitable, or advisable for purchasing equipment for personal use. Businesses can save a lot of money while using this method and can manage to grow and expand.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How successful has the prison system been in achieving a balance Essay

How successful has the prison system been in achieving a balance between disciplinary and therapeutic strategies in dealing with - Essay Example Northern Ireland has the least number of inmates at less than 2,000 and only few prisons. Drug abuse in the UK is governed by Misuse of Drugs Act and several other laws that prohibit organised crimes related to illicit drugs. It is estimated that over 300,000 individuals in UK consume illegal drugs and one third of the drug addicts engage in routine crimes. About 75,000 drug users enter the prison system annually with about 16 percent of the drug addicts abusing drugs regularly while in prison (Robinson & Crow 2009). On average, 55 percent of prisoners have drug related problems while about one third of suicide deaths and self-harm crimes are committed within the first week of imprisonment (Robinson & Crow 2009). The UK prison system has successfully attained a balance between the disciplinary role of the prison strategies and therapeutic strategies in dealing with drug abuse problem (Tonry 2004). Historically, any prison system was used to discipline the offenders through harsh puni shments and long imprisonment terms. However, due to the high number of repeat offenders, many prison systems including the United Kingdom have implemented new measures of rehabilitating the offenders and controlling repeat offences (Robinson & Crow 2009). ... The prison system has contained the offenders in a humane manner thus allowing the offenders to successfully integrate in the society after their imprisonment term (Gravett 2000). Substance abuse is a critical problem among the prison population. Therapeutic treatments for the offenders benefit both the individual and wider society. Some therapeutic strategies include detoxification in order to manage the withdrawal symptoms and prevent the long run relapse in to substance abuse (Mathiesen 2006). The UK prison system has also implemented community based therapeutic services within the prisons that enable health workers to attend to drug offenders. The National Probation Service ensures that the prison staffs continually improve the access to therapeutic care and implement strategies that minimize supply of drugs in the prison system (Tonry 2004). Some of the challenges experienced in the therapeutic strategies include illicit access of drugs in the prisons, increased harm to prisoner s due to overdose and integration of the CARAT services in to a multi-agency therapeutic team. The prison system provides methadone or buprenorphine that is made to limit withdrawal symptoms. The prison population has increased and role of drug enforcement must be emphasized. Significant populations of the drug offenders are seeking minimal punishments under the Misuse of Drugs Act. Drug law enforcement is responsible for about one third of the imprisoned offenders in the UK prison system. Illegal drug users over the age of 18 years are considered serious criminals while high drug dependency among the low-income individuals is likely to engage in other

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Fashion Designer and Fashion Merchandiser Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fashion Designer and Fashion Merchandiser - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Designer and Fashion Merchandiser" compares the Fashion Designer and Fashion Merchandiser. Fashion designers study popular trends among the public and accordingly design their accessories and garments. Their target groups include people of all ages and classes in general. Fashion designers work in close collaboration with manufacturers to acquire the embellishments and fabric for designing and supervise the production as well. Since marketing is very important for their business, most fashion designers also work closely with creative directors and plan fashion shows. While acquiring a degree is not a prerequisite for being a fashion designer, yet having a diploma in fashion designing at least is recommendable. Fashion designers’ salaries vary depending upon their popularity. Fashion merchandisers offer their services to the fashion retailers and choose the accessories and garments to be sold at their stores. One of their functions is to develop attractive di splays to motivate the public to shop. Fashion merchandisers negotiate with the designers and wholesalers to acquire the accessories and garments at a lower price to make the business more profitable for the stores they represent. While there is no established education requirement for an individual who wants to become a fashion merchandiser, some employers might prefer fashion merchandisers with some education in fashion which would reflect their theoretical knowledge and understanding of the latest trends.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Value Proposition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Value Proposition - Essay Example For the reason that no company or product was developing a Catalogue app, a Smart Interface Solutions has registered the Catalogue app, a cheap and easy in use and setup mobile Micro Enterprise Resource Planning, the product will be good idea for the small business. The product will be available on any smartphone as a powerful and smart inventory management tool. The interface will use the smartphone technologies such as camera, GPS, accelerometer and Bluetooth. The Catalogue app is a highly adaptable inventory management and tracking app, the primary target audience is the traders and small entrepreneurs focused on the stock management system with the easy interface. While, small enterprises do not have access to he significant finance for specialized hardware, the product will be a solution in this area. In terms of user interface and configurations, they are functionally identical with the larger desktop variants within the same software. The main benefits for the customer is the efficiency, ability to save user’s time, accuracy of the data received, ability to make an analysis of the data and reduction of task repetition processes. In terms of costs, the product will not cost much; customers will be able to train when using the app. It will allow customers to configure and manage their software on the computer of the usual size through the available software. An app will give a possibility to design that information which user wants. Such opportunity is one for the purpose to make Catalogue adaptable to all applications.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Critical review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critical review - Essay Example The article by Yeong and Ngee (2014) has tried to find out a clear distinction between the definitions of culture, organizational culture and the organizational climate. The article has explained that the culture is a set of belief and norms that are learnt and shared among a group of individuals in close proximity. The organizational culture on the other hand is the practices or trends followed by the employees and staffs of a particular organization. Just like culture varies across different countries and regions, the organizational culture also varies across different organizations or industries. In the light of organizational culture, it has been mentioned that the organizational practices are dynamic in nature and often changes under the influence of new comers. It has been mentioned that a new comer coming from a particular organization brings certain cultural traits, which gets infused with the culture of the current organization thereby making certain changes in it. In this c ontext Turker and Altuntas (2015) have mentioned in their article regarding the impact on the new comer of the organizational culture which he has been recently exposed to. Yeong and Ngee (2014) have highlighted on the influence of the new comer on the organizational practices, where he mentioned that the previous organizational culture of the individual is brought by him in the new organization. On the other hand, Turker and Altuntas (2015) have discussed about the impact of the new organizational culture on the perception of the new comers. Thus it can be stated that both the articles have discussed orgazanitions culture, but has portrayed different perspective of its relationship with the new comers. Moreover, in the article of Yeong and Ngee (2014) it has been clearly mentioned the difference between the definitions of culture and organizational culture and at the

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Teaching Critical Awareness Essay Example for Free

Teaching Critical Awareness Essay Jane Mayer begins the article by bringing out the important part in teaching sociology which is ensuring that the students have understood the various types of social structures and their relationship with each other and to individuals. In order to achieve the above objective, integration of various processes and learning experiences is important. They involve an integration of both passive and active models of collective and active learning. The use of various teaching devices such as films, lecture and student seminars enhance the critical understanding because they give students more opportunities to be actively involved in the subject-matter (Jane, pp. 253). According to Jane, (pp. 253), when using critical teaching, one is supposed to look for a way through which the problem of apathy and self-involvement in students can be overcome. This is: stimulation of a critical understanding of the social structures. In the choice of tutorial framework to be used in the course: it should include academic sociology, commonsense and journalism. Children should be encouraged to analyze the day to day occurrences from different perspectives. She explains that although lecturing is important in teaching, it does not trigger critical thinking because it puts more emphasis on memorizing. Video is an affective mode of teaching when combined with audio devices. They help open sensory avenues which promote learning. Self learning also provides an opportunity for analytical skills to develop while reading and writing. Collective learning like student seminars provides a collective way of learning. This provides the students with skills necessary to deal with contemporary social issues (Jane, pp. 253). Because of the various elements in the different types of teachings, they are supposed to be combined together for one to achieve maximum results. Self-learning, passive, active and collective learning have a part to play and therefore should be integrated. Works cited Jane, Mayer. Teaching critical awareness in an introductory course. Teaching sociology, vol. 14, No. 4(Oct. 1986), pp. 249-256.